Here is a third release candidate of the wxRuby3 gem that should be the last
before the first stable 0.9.0 release.
wxRuby3 is a cross-platform GUI library for Ruby, based on the mature wxWidgets GUI
toolkit for C++. It uses native widgets wherever possible, providing the correct look,
feel and behavior to GUI applications on Windows, OS X and Linux/GTK. wxRuby aims to
provide a comprehensive solution to developing professional-standard desktop
applications in Ruby.
What's new:
- improved documentation
- more regression tests
- update with clearer MacOS instructions and update README with note
about ARM64 M2 Chip being tested by @AndyObtiva
- improved Wx logging support
- various other improvements and fixes
If you are interested check this out:
Documentation: File: README — wxRuby3 API Documentation
Github: GitHub - mcorino/wxRuby3: Ruby Cross-Platform GUI extension
Rubygems: wxruby3 | | your community gem host
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