Parsing Japanese Language and Some Ruby Trivia

All this talk about Unicode support and HTML parsing got me to wondering about how to parse Japanese text. There are no spaces to separate words, and though there are some modifiers, or particles in the Japanese language they are used sometime inconsistently. I could quote examples, but of you can't read Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana they would most likely be meaningless.

So, knowing what little I do of Japanese (been studying for a while and living in Japan for close to four years), I was wondering how search engines like Google and Yahoo parse Japanese text, much less web pages. There are numerous filters to extract text from web pages, but parsing Japanese text is another matter altogether.

So, I have found one Open Source project which seems to be addressing this, but I was wondering if there is a solution for Ruby?

Now for the trivia... I've been reading some Japanese text, "Hiragana Times" - a magazine which prints their articles in Japanese and English as a learning tool and my newspaper "The Japan Times" which has a weekly section devoted to bilingual education, as well as my class textbooks. I've also read some Manga as well. They generally present the Kanji with tiny Hiragana characters either above them which are the phonetic equivalent to the Kanji.

Guess what these tiny Hiragana helpers are called... you guessed it "Ruby Annotation". Check out what I found on W3C, either click on the link or:




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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic..."
                                   - A. C. Clarke

Michael Sullivan wrote:



Absolutely. I suspect the term and concept of "Ruby annotation" to be a lot older than the programming language, and AFAIK, the name of the Ruby programming language is a reference to its roots in Perl. The fact the gemstone used as the language is ruby might, but doesn't have to be, intentionally, subconsciously, or coinkydinkally related to Ruby annotation. If you want to know for certain, submit Matz to regression hypnosis and take him back to the time he was deciding for a name of the language.

David Vallner

Michael Sullivan <> writes:

I was wondering how search engines like Google and Yahoo parse
Japanese text, much less web pages. There are numerous filters to
extract text from web pages, but parsing Japanese text is another
matter altogether.

I'm not sure what you mean by "parsing", but if you mean segmentation
and morphological analysis of Japanese, then two popular packages for
doing this are ChaSen and MeCab.




I posted this last night and probably didn't hit the correct audience. I got one relevant answer and need to go check the packages recommended. But to those in Asian Time zones, I'll ask again about parsing Japanese text.

And to clarify, I am looking for a way to extract "words" from the text for cataloging in a database.



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"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen... and stupidity."
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Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael Sullivan <>
Date: January 12, 2006 12:09:40 AM JST
To: (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Parsing Japanese Language and Some Ruby Trivia

All this talk about Unicode support and HTML parsing got me to wondering about how to parse Japanese text. There are no spaces to separate words, and though there are some modifiers, or particles in the Japanese language they are used sometime inconsistently. I could quote examples, but of you can't read Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana they would most likely be meaningless.

So, knowing what little I do of Japanese (been studying for a while and living in Japan for close to four years), I was wondering how search engines like Google and Yahoo parse Japanese text, much less web pages. There are numerous filters to extract text from web pages, but parsing Japanese text is another matter altogether.

So, I have found one Open Source project which seems to be addressing this, but I was wondering if there is a solution for Ruby?

Now for the trivia... I've been reading some Japanese text, "Hiragana Times" - a magazine which prints their articles in Japanese and English as a learning tool and my newspaper "The Japan Times" which has a weekly section devoted to bilingual education, as well as my class textbooks. I've also read some Manga as well. They generally present the Kanji with tiny Hiragana characters either above them which are the phonetic equivalent to the Kanji.

Guess what these tiny Hiragana helpers are called... you guessed it "Ruby Annotation". Check out what I found on W3C, either click on the link or: Ruby Annotation



Mobile: +81-80-3202-2599
Office: +81-3-3395-6055

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic..."
                                  - A. C. Clarke

David Vallner wrote:

Michael Sullivan wrote:

> [snip]
> Coincidence?

Absolutely. I suspect the term and concept of "Ruby annotation" to be a
lot older than the programming language, and AFAIK, the name of the Ruby
programming language is a reference to its roots in Perl. The fact the
gemstone used as the language is ruby might, but doesn't have to be,
intentionally, subconsciously, or coinkydinkally related to Ruby
annotation. If you want to know for certain, submit Matz to regression
hypnosis and take him back to the time he was deciding for a name of the

David Vallner

[going OT] i've noted that google has gotten much better at separating
hits of Sam Ruby's pages from pages that refer to ruby language. Must
be all that python programming they're donig ;-p
-> It looks old and the source code is not very enticing, though.

This is probably better:

I wrote something similar to what you want long ago; for some reason I ended
up parsing the output of mecab instead of using the bindings (can't remember
why atm., nor if it still applies).

The following (old, ugly) code collects some words (names, verbs, "i adjectives")
from a utf8 string held in 'text':

    text = Iconv.iconv("eucjp", "utf-8", text).first
    temp = "jphints"
    temp.puts text
    analysis = `mecab #{temp.path}`
    output = Iconv.iconv("utf-8", "eucjp", analysis).first
    hints =
    output.each_line do |line|
        break if /\AEOS\s$/u.match line
        hint, nature, canonical = /\A(.+)\s+([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+),/u.match(line).captures # UGH
        case nature
        when %w[e5 90 8d e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"), # name
            %w[e5 8b 95 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"), # verb
            %w[ e5 bd a2 e5 ae b9 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*") # adj i
            puts "REG HINT #{hint} -> #{canonical}\t #{nature}"
            hints << canonical
            # puts "IGNORED #{hint}"

    # now the words are in hints, as utf8 strings

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:23:11AM +0900, Michael Sullivan wrote:


I posted this last night and probably didn't hit the correct
audience. I got one relevant answer and need to go check the
packages recommended. But to those in Asian Time zones, I'll ask
again about parsing Japanese text.

And to clarify, I am looking for a way to extract "words" from the
text for cataloging in a database.

Mauricio Fernandez

Thanks, this looks like what I'm looking for.




Mobile: +81-80-3202-2599
Office: +81-3-3395-6055

"Haggis... uh, I was briefed on haggis.... No!"
         G W Bush (dubya) - Japan Times, 12 July 2005

On Jan 12, 2006, at 10:51 , Mauricio Fernandez wrote:

On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:23:11AM +0900, Michael Sullivan wrote:


I posted this last night and probably didn't hit the correct
audience. I got one relevant answer and need to go check the
packages recommended. But to those in Asian Time zones, I'll ask
again about parsing Japanese text.

And to clarify, I am looking for a way to extract "words" from the
text for cataloging in a database.
-> It looks old and the source code is not very enticing, though.

This is probably better:

I wrote something similar to what you want long ago; for some reason I ended
up parsing the output of mecab instead of using the bindings (can't remember
why atm., nor if it still applies).

The following (old, ugly) code collects some words (names, verbs, "i adjectives")
from a utf8 string held in 'text':

    text = Iconv.iconv("eucjp", "utf-8", text).first
    temp = "jphints"
    temp.puts text
    analysis = `mecab #{temp.path}`
    output = Iconv.iconv("utf-8", "eucjp", analysis).first
    hints =
    output.each_line do |line|
        break if /\AEOS\s$/u.match line
        hint, nature, canonical = /\A(.+)\s+([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+),/u.match(line).captures # UGH
        case nature
        when %w[e5 90 8d e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"), # name
            %w[e5 8b 95 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"), # verb
            %w[ e5 bd a2 e5 ae b9 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*") # adj i
            puts "REG HINT #{hint} -> #{canonical}\t #{nature}"
            hints << canonical
            # puts "IGNORED #{hint}"

    # now the words are in hints, as utf8 strings

Hope this helps.

Mauricio Fernandez

I have a similar task. I have attached a text file with Japanese
characters. Some of the words are fake and made to look similar to
actually occurring words, as an experiment in linguistics.

Essentially what we are trying to accomplish is to get a count of every
time one of the hiragana characters occurs adjacent to another hiragana
character (including itself) within the context of a word. The majority
of the data in the file is frequency counts for the word over the course
of several years, the numbers can be ignored for the purposes of this
count. At this point we are only concerned with the co-occurance of
hiragana characters, but katakana and kanji may eventually be useful.

I currently have Ruby 1.8.7 installed and when I paste the characters
into irb they print out as bytes and I am not sure where to begin
figuring out how to write an effective regexp.



Posted via

To delimit words in a japanese text you can use MeCab and/or Kakasi (google

Kakasi has ruby bindings

MeCab also has bindings for several scripting languages (Ruby included):

If you want database text search support for japanese you can use Tsearch2
with Teramoto SQL function that uses Kakasi to index japanese words.

Finally MSSQL text search function works with Japanese (with MSSQL Japanese
version of course).

Hope this helps....


Thursday 12 January 2006 15:48、Michael Sullivan さんは書きました:


Thanks, this looks like what I'm looking for.



Mobile: +81-80-3202-2599
Office: +81-3-3395-6055

"Haggis... uh, I was briefed on haggis.... No!"
         G W Bush (dubya) - Japan Times, 12 July 2005

On Jan 12, 2006, at 10:51 , Mauricio Fernandez wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:23:11AM +0900, Michael Sullivan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I posted this last night and probably didn't hit the correct
>> audience. I got one relevant answer and need to go check the
>> packages recommended. But to those in Asian Time zones, I'll ask
>> again about parsing Japanese text.
>> And to clarify, I am looking for a way to extract "words" from the
>> text for cataloging in a database.
> -> It looks old and the source code is not very enticing, though.
> This is probably better:
> I wrote something similar to what you want long ago; for some
> reason I ended
> up parsing the output of mecab instead of using the bindings (can't
> remember
> why atm., nor if it still applies).
> The following (old, ugly) code collects some words (names, verbs,
> "i adjectives")
> from a utf8 string held in 'text':
> text = Iconv.iconv("eucjp", "utf-8", text).first
> temp = "jphints"
> temp.puts text
> temp.close
> analysis = `mecab #{temp.path}`
> output = Iconv.iconv("utf-8", "eucjp", analysis).first
> temp.close!
> hints =
> output.each_line do |line|
> break if /\AEOS\s$/u.match line
> hint, nature, canonical = /\A(.+)\s+([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]
> +,[^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+),/u.match(line).captures # UGH
> case nature
> when %w[e5 90 8d e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"),
> # name
> %w[e5 8b 95 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack("c*"), #
> verb
> %w[ e5 bd a2 e5 ae b9 e8 a9 9e].map{|x| x.to_i(16)}.pack
> ("c*") # adj i
> puts "REG HINT #{hint} -> #{canonical}\t #{nature}"
> hints << canonical
> else
> # puts "IGNORED #{hint}"
> end
> end
> # now the words are in hints, as utf8 strings
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Mauricio Fernandez


I have a similar task. I have attached a text file with Japanese
characters. Some of the words are fake and made to look similar to
actually occurring words, as an experiment in linguistics.

Essentially what we are trying to accomplish is to get a count of every
time one of the hiragana characters occurs adjacent to another hiragana
character (including itself) within the context of a word. The majority
of the data in the file is frequency counts for the word over the course
of several years, the numbers can be ignored for the purposes of this
count. At this point we are only concerned with the co-occurance of
hiragana characters, but katakana and kanji may eventually be useful.

I currently have Ruby 1.8.7 installed and when I paste the characters
into irb they print out as bytes and I am not sure where to begin
figuring out how to write an effective regexp.

According to your attachment, I guess you want to handle Shift_JIS encoded text.

Here are some clues.

str.scan(/\w+/s) # => scan for word including Japanese
str.scan(/./s) # => scan for character including Japanese
str.scan(/\x82[\x9f-\xf1]/) # => scan for one hiragana character
str.scan(/\x83[\x40-\x96]/) # => scan for one katakana character
str.scan(/[\x88-\xee][\x40-\xfc]/) # => scan for one kanji character (roughly)
str.scan(/(?:\x82[\x9f-\xf1])+/) # => scan for two or more hiragana

Refer to


Park Heesob


2009/7/18 Brylie Oxley <>:

Essentially what we are trying to accomplish is to get a count of every
time one of the hiragana characters occurs adjacent to another hiragana
character (including itself) within the context of a word.

I'm not sure what you want if there are more than 2 hiragana.
For example, this "らしつづける"
or this
["ら", "し"]
["し", "つ"]
["つ", "づ"]
["づ", "け"]
["け", "る"]

Don't trust this too much. I'm just playing around a bit. Maybe it
will give you some ideas.

$KCODE = 'u'
p str.scan(/[あ-ん]{2,}/)


require 'enumerator'
$KCODE = 'u'
str.scan(/[あ-ん]{2,}/).each {|x| x.split(//).each_cons(2){|a| p a}}



A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

Harry Kakueki wrote:

I'm not sure what you want if there are more than 2 hiragana.

I think that a string, or array, of each duple from the string of 2 or
more hiragana would be desired. We want to count each occurrence of the
hiragana duples as a running tally through a large document.

There will be duplicates so perhaps each hiragana duple could be a
variable? e.g. "暮ら+= 1" whenever a new instance of 暮ら is found. Would
there be a more efficient way of counting the co-occurrences?

$KCODE = 'u'
p str.scan(/[e$B$"e(B-e$B$se(B]{2,}/)


require 'enumerator'
$KCODE = 'u'
str.scan(/[e$B$"e(B-e$B$se(B]{2,}/).each {|x|
x.split(//).each_cons(2){|a| p a}}

Also, I don't think that the encoding is Unicode. I have opened the
document in OO.o and JEdit using the Shift-JIS (as well as 'Apple
Macintosh' and 'Windows-932') encoding(s) and the characters seem to
render correctly. I am unsure how to convert this text to Unicode for
proper analysis in Ruby.


Posted via\.

Heesob Park wrote:

According to your attachment, I guess you want to handle Shift_JIS
encoded text.

Refer to
Gray Soft / Not Found
Shift JIS Kanji Code Table


Park Heesob

Thank you Park! You're right, it is Shift-JIS. I'll review those links
right away.


Posted via\.

There will be duplicates so perhaps each hiragana duple could be a
variable? e.g. "暮ら+= 1" whenever a new instance of 暮ら is found. Would
there be a more efficient way of counting the co-occurrences?

I guess I'm missing something.
It seems to me that you are trying to find groups of 2 or more
hiragana and calling each group a word.
But, many words contain no hiragana at all.
And a group of consecutive hiragana could be 1 word, 2 words, or
several words, or no word.
Some words are just 1 hiragana.

I don't know about the statistics you are working on. I guess you do.
Are you just interested in finding patterns without concern for the word status?

If I just stated the obvious, sorry for the noise.



A Look into Japanese Ruby List in English

Perhaps this would help:

James Edward Gray II


On Jul 18, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Brylie Oxley wrote:

Also, I don't think that the encoding is Unicode. I have opened the
document in OO.o and JEdit using the Shift-JIS (as well as 'Apple
Macintosh' and 'Windows-932') encoding(s) and the characters seem to
render correctly. I am unsure how to convert this text to Unicode for
proper analysis in Ruby.