Norwegian translation of "Programming Ruby" in progress

Kent wrote along time ago (december 2001):

P.S.: Are there any nordic/scandinavian translation efforts out there?
I’d guess that combining and coordinating any danish, swedish and
norwegian translation efforts, would have some “synergy” effects…

Hei || Hi

Jeg vil bare si ifra til alle sammen at den norske Ruby brukergruppen
har startet på den norske oversettelsen av “Programming Ruby”. Så derosm
det er noen her i fra Norge, Danmark, Sverige eller andre som forstår
norsk som har lyst til å lese, kommentere, kritisere eller samarbeide på
det vi har så langt, så ligger HTML-versjonen av kladden så langt (og
noen wiki-sider om prosjektet) her:

I’d just like to tell you all that the Norway Ruby User Group has got
started on the translation of
“Programming Ruby” to Norwegian. So if there is anyone here from Norway,
Denmark, Sweden or otherwise that can make sense of the language we like
to call “norsk” who would like to read it, comment it, critique it,
cooperate, or something, we have have an HTML version of the working
draft (and some wiki-pages on the project) right here:


([ Kent Dahl ]/)_ ~ [ ]/~
/(( _d L b_/ NTNU - graduate engineering - 4. year )
( __õ|õ// ) )Industrial economics and technological management(
/ö____/ (_engineering.discipline=Computer::Technology)