Boston.rb Goes Live!

Hi all,

I've been talking with several people over the past few weeks about
starting a
Boston Ruby Users Group, and the response has been very positive. I
went ahead with the idea, and we now have our first meeting scheduled,
an Instiki-powered website, and our own mailing list!

General Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2005
- Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
- Location: Northeastern University, College of Computer & Information
Science in Boston
- Room: 110 West Village H (see

Our website-in-progress is located at

You can subscribe to the Boston Ruby discussion list through Mailman:

And add yourself to the Wiki while you're at it.

In the mean time, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
for our first meeting. I'm working on arranging a technical talk to
get us started in the right direction. See everyone on Tuesday!

Chris Lambert <>