Just a reminder about the meeting today. The website and mailing lists
are now online and more stable than they were before:
All future e-mails will be sent to the Boston.rb mailing list, so sign
up to stay on top of the announcements.
As far as today's agenda, we *may* have a technical talk, but if not
we can have some introductions, discuss plans for the group's future,
and maybe have a show & tell of Ruby (or Rails) development progress.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at 7PM; location info on
the web page. Let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Lambert <chris@ccs.neu.edu>
On 9/4/05, Chris Lambert <chris@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
Hi all,
I've talked with many of you over the past few weeks about starting a
Boston Ruby Users Group, and the response has been very positive. I
went ahead with the idea, and we now have our first meeting scheduled
along with a website!General Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2005
- Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
- Location: Northeastern University, College of Computer & Information
Science in Boston
- Room: 110 West Village H (see
http://boston.rubygroup.org/boston/show/LocationInfo\)Our website-in-progress is located at http://boston.rubygroup.org/
Discussion and announcement mailing lists will be coming soon. Please
add yourself to our Membership page when you get a chance.In the mean time, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
for our first meeting. I'm working on arranging a technical talk to
get us off on the right foot, and will keep you updated. Also let me
know if you aren't interested in a Ruby User Group, and I'll take your
name off my list.Thanks all,
Chris Lambert <chris@ccs.neu.edu>