Boston Ruby Users Group is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7PM!


Just a reminder that the next meeting of Boston.rb, the Boston Ruby
user group, will be held tomorrow night from 7-9PM. Meetings are held
the first Tuesday of each month, and are currently hosted at
Northeastern University's College of Computer & Information Science.

The actual meeting will be held in 110 West Village H (much more
detailed instructions available at and our guest
speaker will be Kellan Elliott.

More information is available on our website at, and you may subscribe to the very low
volume mailing list at

We'll see you there,


I think it would be cool if UNH.rb (University of New Haven) took a
field trip of sorts up to Boston for one of your meetings some time in
the near future. What do you think? If it worked out well, maybe we
could return the favor some time for your group and host you down here
in Connecticut.

For info on UNH.rb: