Word split with 2 columns

Hi everyone!
I need a little help. I have a script for ruby:

outfile = ARGV.shift

lines = ARGF.readlines
marked_up_lines = lines.map do |line|
  words = line.split
  '<mezo eazon="' + words[0] + '">' + words[1] + '</mezo>' + "\n"

File.open(outfile,'w') do |file|
  file.write marked_up_lines.join

This script should split two words with special parameter (from a plain
text it makes xml source). That works so fine if I have ONLY two
columns, but if I put several lines in the txt file beginning it dies.
So, my only question is: how can I bring ruby that it should from line
nr. X (i.e. 6 or 7) begin? And another question: can ruby after the
conversion put in the file a line (ie. </end>)?
Thanks, regards:


Dani wrote:

Hi everyone!
I need a little help. I have a script for ruby:

outfile = ARGV.shift

lines = ARGF.readlines
marked_up_lines = lines.map do |line|
  words = line.split
  '<mezo eazon="' + words[0] + '">' + words[1] + '</mezo>' + "\n"

File.open(outfile,'w') do |file|
  file.write marked_up_lines.join

This script should split two words with special parameter (from a plain
text it makes xml source). That works so fine if I have ONLY two
columns, but if I put several lines in the txt file beginning it dies.
So, my only question is: how can I bring ruby that it should from line
nr. X (i.e. 6 or 7) begin?

start_line = 6 #or 7, or whatever...
marked_up_lines = lines[start_line..-1].map do |line|

And another question: can ruby after the
conversion put in the file a line (ie. </end>)?

File.open(outfile,'w') do |file|
   file.write marked_up_lines.join
   file.write '</end>'
