Still have a question: I have a txt file with words, seperated with
semicolon or linebreaks. looks like this:
Teszt Kft
0A0001C002A 33445566222
0A0001C007A Teszt kft
I need that ruby add to each line several XML tags. So lets say:
<hello>Teszt Kft</hello>
and so on... from line 6 (where are two columns) should ruby use
another (ruby)script. And when it reached the end of the section (where
could be an escape character or something, what it changes to ie.
</end>) begin from front, so long it has no more escape characters.
So, how can I do this? Please if you can help me...
Perhaps it's me not being awake properly, but it doesn't seem very clear
from your question exactly what you want to do? To clarify:
+ Are the lines you want to process always in sets of 3
(or whatever number)? Or is it single-line, with some way to choose
which tag goes on a given line?
+ What do you mean 'use another script' for the two-column
lines? I note as well that it could be difficult to determine
which lines are two column, since spaces seem to be allowed
in the processed input anyway.
Anyway, I'm sure this isn't what you're after, but maybe it'll point you
in the right direction. Failing that, post a bit more detail and sample
input/output and I'm sure you'll get what you need.
s = "<your sample input, above>"
s.gsub(/^(.*)$/) { "<foo>#$1</foo>" }
Still have a question: I have a txt file with words, seperated with
semicolon or linebreaks. looks like this:
Teszt Kft
0A0001C002A 33445566222
0A0001C007A Teszt kft
I need that ruby add to each line several XML tags. So lets say:
<hello>Teszt Kft</hello>
and so on... from line 6 (where are two columns) should ruby use
another (ruby)script. And when it reached the end of the section (where
could be an escape character or something, what it changes to ie.
</end>) begin from front, so long it has no more escape characters.
So, how can I do this? Please if you can help me...