I’m a novice ruby user, but ancient user in Linux world. We assume
have a data file with two data field in two columns. In awk program
when I like time them a script code may be:
print $1*$2
for example I can use “% cat foo.dat|awk -f times.awk” d’accorde.
Well, how can I do this in ruby code?
First some remark on the above command line: It is unnecessarily
awk '{print $1 * $2}' times.awk
works as well. Two solutions using Ruby. First one does integer
ruby -a -n -e 'puts $F[0].to_i * $F[1].to_i'
Second one does floating-point arithmetics:
ruby -a -n -e 'puts $F[0].to_f * $F[1].to_f'
They only differ in the type conversion part.
‘-e’ means that what follows is code to be executed.
‘-n’ makes the Ruby iterate over all lines successively assigning
them to $_
‘-a’ makes Ruby split $_ into its parts assigning the result to $F
which is an array of strings
To specify the column separator you can use the ‘-F’ option that is
familiar from awk.
Please note that awk’s $0 maps to Ruby’s $_ and that $1, $2, … map
to $F[0], $F[1], …
Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT
E-Mail: .— …- .–. .–. .–.-. --. – -…- .-.-.- -… .
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge
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