Hello! I'd like to help translate some of the Japanese
documentation to English, but am not sure where to begin. I
found a list of pending translations at
<http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?TranslationsInProgress>, but
the list is quite out of date. I've also searched ruby-talk
and ruby-list, but didn't immediately find any current information.Does anybody have suggestions for getting started? I'd hate
to duplicate the work of other people.
How about translating the japanese books in ruby? -see
It would be a noble task. Not only will you be aiding a lot of non-jp
programmers here, you will also be aiding yourself since you can sell these
books (count me as one buyer). I remember sir matz mention that jap books
are very cheap... so I hope you'll sell your translated book cheap too
kind regards -botp
Steve Brumbaugh [mailto:spb1981@yahoo.com] wrote: