Translating Japanese documentation to English -- where to beg in?

Hello! I'd like to help translate some of the Japanese
documentation to English, but am not sure where to begin. I
found a list of pending translations at
<;, but
the list is quite out of date. I've also searched ruby-talk
and ruby-list, but didn't immediately find any current information.

Does anybody have suggestions for getting started? I'd hate
to duplicate the work of other people.

How about translating the japanese books in ruby? -see

It would be a noble task. Not only will you be aiding a lot of non-jp
programmers here, you will also be aiding yourself since you can sell these
books (count me as one buyer). I remember sir matz mention that jap books
are very cheap... so I hope you'll sell your translated book cheap too :slight_smile:


kind regards -botp


Steve Brumbaugh [] wrote: