Hi all this is my first message to this list...
I ma having heaps of troubles setting up ruby and rails on my windoes XP pro machine.. I have tried the one click installer which installed ruby no worries...
The problem i am having is installing rails.. Currently after installing rails i type into the command line:
gem install rails --remote
which returns the error:
'gem' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
if i navigate to %/ruby/bin and type ||gem install rails --remote rails will install... however i the have to create and run every application form the ruby/bin directory. I mamanged to set up ruby and ruby on rails on another box which creates a new rails app where ever i call "rails newAppFolder", so i know its possible
any ideas...
Please help
Leevi Graham
Leevi Graham wrote:
The problem i am having is installing rails.. Currently after installing rails i type into the command line:
>gem install rails --remote
which returns the error:
'gem' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
if i navigate to %/ruby/bin and type ||gem install rails --remote rails will install... however i the have to create and run every application form the ruby/bin directory. I mamanged to set up ruby and ruby on rails on another box which creates a new rails app where ever i call "rails newAppFolder", so i know its possible
any ideas...
That sounds as if your PATH environment variable isn't set properly.
At a command line try
echo %PATH%
or perhaps with a nicer output and using Ruby:
ruby -e 'puts ENV["PATH"].split( ";" )'
"<wherever_you_installed_your_ruby>\ruby\bin" should be in that list, I think.
Hope that helps
Happy rubying