I'm just trying to install the rails framework on my Windows XP system and have some problems at the start:
According to the tutorial I open my command prompt and enter the following:
gem install rails --remote
The first columns I receive are o.k.:
D:\ruby>"d:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" "d:\ruby\bin\gem" install rails --remote
Attempting remote installation of 'rails'
Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
Then I would expect the question if I'd like to install the various dependencies, but instead I get the following (after a long period of waiting):
Successfully installed rails_analyzer_tools, version 1.1.0
Installing RDoc documentation for rails_analyzer_tools-1.1.0...
All new files I can find after this are rails_stat and rails_stat.cmd in the ruby/bin directory.
Ruby itself seems to be installed correctly, I used the one-click-installer and am working with Ruby since several months, all scripts are working properly.
How can I install Rails correct?
Thanks for hints,
You need to tell gems explicitly to include the dependencies:
gem install rails --remote --include-dependencies
On 11/18/05, Jens Riedel <JensRie@gmx.de> wrote:
I'm just trying to install the rails framework on my Windows XP system
and have some problems at the start:
According to the tutorial I open my command prompt and enter the following:
gem install rails --remote
Hi Sean,
Sean O'Halpin wrote:
You need to tell gems explicitly to include the dependencies:
gem install rails --remote --include-dependencies
That was my first try was (according to another tutorial)...
The result was:
D:\ruby>"d:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" "d:\ruby\bin\gem" install rails --remote --include-dependencies
ERROR: While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
invalid option: --include-dependencies
Now I just checked my gem version and it seems it was to old (0.8.3), tutorial required 0.8.11 or higher.
Now installation works, many thanks!
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