It was expected, that as of 1.8.4, ruby networking works on windows.
However using the latest installer, when I tried to install a gem
(actually rails), the gem process failed.
So is there anybody having the same problem, or can everbybody else
install gems under XP?
Are you behind a proxy server? Specifically, what error messages are
you getting?
On 2/4/06, <> wrote:
It was expected, that as of 1.8.4, ruby networking works on windows.
However using the latest installer, when I tried to install a gem
(actually rails), the gem process failed.
So is there anybody having the same problem, or can everbybody else
install gems under XP?
How can you say your internet connection is ok when you can't get to
google? I can get to google and I can ping -- there
is defintiely something wrong with your internet connection.
On 2/4/06, <> wrote:
I think he was hinting that the problem lies in Ruby's TCPSocket...
See [145244] for instance.
On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 08:35:00AM +0900, Curt Hibbs wrote:
On 2/4/06, <> wrote:
> The test script:
> require 'socket'
> hostname = ARGV[0]
> puts "Making socket to #{hostname}"
> sock =, 80)
> mesg = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: #{hostname}\r\n\r\n"
> puts "writing to socket #{hostname}: " + mesg
> sock.write mesg
> puts "Wow, no hang!"
> hangs on
> Anyway, my internet connection seems to be ok...
How can you say your internet connection is ok when you can't get to
google? I can get to google and I can ping -- there
is defintiely something wrong with your internet connection.