RubyDictionary - First Try

Hello folks,

Last week I started learning Ruby by the book The Ruby Programming
Language if it's relevant. Today I decided to practise a little bit with
my new knowledge by trying to develop my first "serious" application in
Ruby. The idea was to create a small virtual dictionary based on CLI
with a few self-explaining functions like inserting/removing/search for
a data set or save/load it in a *.txt file.

Since this is my first attempt to a script language I wanted to know
what you think of my program. Are there any passages which could be
written more efficient in performance? In general, is the coding
style/commenting OK? What can I improve regarding OOP? Furthermore,
there are some commented in-code questions on line 26,93 and 99 - can
you answer them maybe?

Thanks for any help,

A Ruby novice



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Hello folks,

Last week I started learning Ruby by the book The Ruby Programming
Language if it's relevant. Today I decided to practise a little bit with
my new knowledge by trying to develop my first "serious" application in

Welcome to Ruby and very good job. You achieved very nice things.

The idea was to create a small virtual dictionary based on CLI
with a few self-explaining functions like inserting/removing/search for
a data set or save/load it in a *.txt file.

One question: when I think dictionary, I think this:
Associative array - Wikipedia, in which what is
unique is the keys, not the pairs. Your implementation allows to
insert two pairs with the same key:

irb(main):159:0* d =
=> #<Dictionary:0xb7be8db0 @entries=>
irb(main):161:0> d.insert_words "aa", "bb"
=> [#<DictionaryEntry:0xb7bdd8fc @word2="bb", @word1="aa">]
irb(main):162:0> d.insert_words "aa", "cc"
=> [#<DictionaryEntry:0xb7bdd8fc @word2="bb", @word1="aa">,
#<DictionaryEntry:0xb7bd6494 @word2="cc", @word1="aa">]

and this looks a bit strange. But, anyway, I'll continue with the
assumption that this is what you really want.
If this is not the case, and you want unique keys, you will have to
change many things.

Since this is my first attempt to a script language I wanted to know
what you think of my program. Are there any passages which could be
written more efficient in performance? In general, is the coding
style/commenting OK? What can I improve regarding OOP? Furthermore,
there are some commented in-code questions on line 26,93 and 99 - can
you answer them maybe?

Some comments, mostly idiomatic:

  def initialize(entries=nil)
    if entries==nil
      @entries =
      @entries = entries

this could be done like this:

  def initialize(entries=nil)
     @entries = entries || # or if you prefer

2.- def insert_words: I would call the method:

def =(word1, word2) which allows you to say d["word"] = "second word"
Nice syntactic sugar, although this goes more in line of what I said
about the dictionary being a key-value set.

  def self.is_word? word
    if (word.match(/[a-zA-Z]{2,15}/)[0].length == word.length) then true
    else false
    # (word.match(/[a-zA-Z]{2,15}/)[0].length == word.length)
    # easier way?

Why don't you allow one letter words? There's a problem with this
implementation though: if the string doesn't match you get a

irb(main):160:0> d.insert_words "a", "b"
NoMethodError: undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
  from (irb):94:in `is_word?'

because match will return nil, and you are calling [0] on that.

def self.is_word? word
  word.match(/\A[:alpha:][:alpha:]+\z/) #you can remove the first
[:alpha:] to allow 1-letter words

4.- def insert_dict_entry(entry)
    insert_words(entry.word1, entry.word2) # any better solution?

Another way, not necesarily better:

def insert_dict_entry(entry)
  @entries << entry.dup

5.- def insert_array(words1, words2)
    # arrays have to have same length
    raise ArgumentError, "Invalid array arguments (not same length)"
unless words1.length==words2.length
    # iterate on words1 and try to insert every pair
    words1.each_index {|x| insert_words(words1, words2)}

I would do:

def insert_array(words1, words2) {|first,second| insert_words(first,second)
if first && second}

this way, even if the arrays have different size, you store as much as
you can. If you still want the check you can add it.

6.- def remove(r_word1, r_word2)

def remove(word1, word2)
  @entries.delete_if {|entry| entry == [word1,word2]} # if you keep
the enumerable equality check, see below

7.- def remove_at(index)

This one doesn't make sense for the public interface of a dictionary.
If you implement remove as above, you don't need it anymore.

8.- def search s_word

def search word {|entry| entry.word1.include?(word) ||

9.- def has_word_pair?(word1, word2)

Why do you need the index as a return value?

def has_word_pair?(word1,word2)
  @entries.find {|entry| entry == [word1,word2]}

10.- to_s

def to_s
  s = "Current state of Dictionary (#{self.object_id})\n"
  @entries.each_with_index {|entry, i| s << sprintf("%3d %15s |
%15s\n", i, entry.word1 , entry.word2)


When you create a dictionary entry, you might want to dup the words to
avoid aliasing:

def initialize (word1, word2)
  @word1 = word1.dup unless word1.frozen?
  @word2 = word2.dup unless word2.frozen?

  def ==(other)
    if (other.is_a?(Enumerable) && @word1 == other[0] && @word2 == other[1])
    elsif (other.is_a?(DictionaryEntry) && @word1 == other.word1 &&
@word2 == other.word2) # not tested
      puts "dict entry"

Enumerable doesn't provide the method , so if you are allowing a
equality test against an Enumerable you should only use Enumerable
methods. For example:

def ==(other)
  case other
  when Enumerable
    @word1 == other.to_a[0] && @word2 == other.to_a[1]
  when DictionaryEntry
    @word1 == other.word1 && @word2 == other.word2

I'm not sure you want to keep the equality comparison with an
Enumerable, because I think you added it more as a convenience than as
a real requirement. If you remove it, some of my suggestions above
should be reviewed.

I don't have time now to comment on the CLI interface, but I think
that could be refactored a little bit too.



On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:40 AM, Max Schmidt <> wrote:

Hello and thank you for this fast widespread answer!

Your implementation allows to insert two pairs with the same key

This totally was my intention, because one word can be translated in
many different ways. Associative Arrays are called "Hashs" in Ruby,
aren't they?

1 -

def initialize(entries=nil)
   @entries = entries || # or if you prefer

Nice idea, I never would consider a boolean operator as a expression,
which returns anything else than "true" or "false"

2 -

def =(word1, word2)

Don't you think that this definition is rather confusing, if Dictionary
is NOT an associative array? I have to admit that I am still not
familiarized with these method-like operators...

3 -

Why don't you allow one letter words?

Because strings with one letter aren't any words, they are characters.
My aim was to develop a dictionary where you can organize "real-life"

if the string doesn't match you get a

irb(main):160:0> d.insert_words "a", "b"
NoMethodError: undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
from (irb):94:in `is_word?'

Ok, fixed it like this:

match = word.match(/[a-zA-Z]{2,15}/);
if (match!=nil && match[0].length == word.length) then true

def self.is_word? word
word.match(/\A[:alpha:][:alpha:]+\z/) #you can remove the first
[:alpha:] to allow 1-letter words

I wanted to limit the word's length to 15 as you can see in my regular
expression. Are the "\A" (start position) and "\z" (end position)

4 -

Another way, not necesarily better:

def insert_dict_entry(entry)
@entries << entry.dup

I should have written the question more accurate. The problem was to
check the entry for compability by invoking insert_words() before
appending to @entries

I considered making a special function for that, like "is_insertable?",
but I was still unsure about that

5 -

this way, even if the arrays have different size, you store as much as
you can. If you still want the check you can add it.

Hmm, I want the length-check remain.

def insert_array(words1, words2) {|first,second| insert_words(first,second)
if first && second}

Why do you prefer to a implementation which produces a temporaly array?

6 -

7 -

This one doesn't make sense for the public interface of a dictionary.
If you implement remove as above, you don't need it anymore.

This was meant to be a time-saver. You can output the Dictionary by
typing "o/output", find the index of the entry you want to delete and
then apply it to the "r/remove" - command

8 -

Very cool!

9 -

Why do you need the index as a return value?

for "remove" - I first searched for the word pair and if found I removed
the pair by calling remove_at(found_index)

@entries.find {|entry| entry == [word1,word2]}

I slowly realize that I will have to clearly go through the Array
methods this afternoon.

10 -

@entries.each_with_index {|entry, i| s << sprintf("%3d %15s |
%15s\n", i, entry.word1 , entry.word2)

This means it is actually never recommended to use

@entries.length.times {|i| ... }

to iterate through an array?


11 -

you might want to dup the words to

avoid aliasing
Do you mean to avoid exceptions when the words are frozen? If yes, I
would throw an Exception if either of the two words is frozen.

12 -

Enumerable doesn't provide the method

Ok, I was convinced that Enumerables behave like Arrays

I'm not sure you want to keep the equality comparison with an

... then I should replace the Enumberable with i.e. an Array like this?

case other
when Array
@word1 == other[0] && @word2 == other[1]
when DictionaryEntry
@word1 == other.word1 && @word2 == other.word2

Again, thanks for your effort


Posted via\.

def initialize( entries = )
  @entries = entries

BTW, I think it is better to use setters and getters than to directly access
the ivars, because if you restrict access to the method, then you only have
to go to one place if you change implementation.


2010/3/31 Jesús Gabriel y Galán <>

       def initialize(entries=nil)
               if entries==nil
                       @entries =
                       @entries = entries

this could be done like this:

       def initialize(entries=nil)
          @entries = entries || # or if you prefer

How about

Hello and thank you for this fast widespread answer!

Your implementation allows to insert two pairs with the same key

This totally was my intention, because one word can be translated in
many different ways. Associative Arrays are called "Hashs" in Ruby,
aren't they?

Yes, but the term Dictionary is a common technical term with that
meaning, that's why I was asking...

1 -

def initialize(entries=nil)
@entries = entries || # or if you prefer

Nice idea, I never would consider a boolean operator as a expression,
which returns anything else than "true" or "false"

2 -

def =(word1, word2)

Don't you think that this definition is rather confusing, if Dictionary
is NOT an associative array? I have to admit that I am still not
familiarized with these method-like operators...

Yes, you are right. That syntactic sugar makes more sense when it's an
associative array, not in your case.

3 -

Why don't you allow one letter words?

Because strings with one letter aren't any words, they are characters.
My aim was to develop a dictionary where you can organize "real-life"

"a" is a word :slight_smile:

if the string doesn't match you get a

irb(main):160:0> d.insert_words "a", "b"
NoMethodError: undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
from (irb):94:in `is_word?'

Ok, fixed it like this:

match = word.match(/[a-zA-Z]{2,15}/);
if (match!=nil && match[0].length == word.length) then true

def self.is_word? word
word.match(/\A[:alpha:][:alpha:]+\z/) #you can remove the first
[:alpha:] to allow 1-letter words

I wanted to limit the word's length to 15 as you can see in my regular
expression. Are the "\A" (start position) and "\z" (end position)

It's a way of saying that the full string should match your
restrictions. It avoids having to check that the match is equal to the
length of the original string:

def self.is_word? word

should do what you want.

5 -

this way, even if the arrays have different size, you store as much as
you can. If you still want the check you can add it.

Hmm, I want the length-check remain.

def insert_array(words1, words2) {|first,second| insert_words(first,second)
if first && second}

Why do you prefer to a implementation which produces a temporaly array?

6 -

7 -

This one doesn't make sense for the public interface of a dictionary.
If you implement remove as above, you don't need it anymore.

This was meant to be a time-saver. You can output the Dictionary by
typing "o/output", find the index of the entry you want to delete and
then apply it to the "r/remove" - command

8 -

Very cool!

9 -

Why do you need the index as a return value?

for "remove" - I first searched for the word pair and if found I removed
the pair by calling remove_at(found_index)

@entries.find {|entry| entry == [word1,word2]}

I slowly realize that I will have to clearly go through the Array
methods this afternoon.

10 -

@entries.each_with_index {|entry, i| s << sprintf("%3d %15s |
%15s\n", i, entry.word1 , entry.word2)

This means it is actually never recommended to use

@entries.length.times {|i| ... }

to iterate through an array?

It's usually not recommended. If you really, really need the index
each_with_index handles that.


11 -

you might want to dup the words to

avoid aliasing
Do you mean to avoid exceptions when the words are frozen? If yes, I
would throw an Exception if either of the two words is frozen.

No, what I mean is that the client can modify the String object after
inserting it in the dictionary:

d =
w1 = "hello"
w2 = "world"
w1 << "something crazy which maybe should be in the dictionary at this point"

The string referenced by w1 is modified after being inserted. With
your solution, you store the same object, and so the dictionary is
modified by this external action.

The frozen check is just an optimization, because if the string is
frozen it's not going to be modified by the client, and so you are
safe just using it.

12 -

Enumerable doesn't provide the method

Ok, I was convinced that Enumerables behave like Arrays

I'm not sure you want to keep the equality comparison with an

... then I should replace the Enumberable with i.e. an Array like this?

I don't know, depends on what your use case is. If it's just for
convenience, I think you should drop it, because it's giving those
objects a behaviour that they shouldn't have.

case other
when Array
@word1 == other[0] && @word2 == other[1]
when DictionaryEntry
@word1 == other.word1 && @word2 == other.word2

Another idea: if want to see the dictionary as a set of things, a
common thing is to include Enumerable and provide an each method, so
that the clients of the dictionary can use the cool methods Enumerable
provides. In your case:

class Dictionary
include Enumerable

        def each (&blk)
                @entries.each &blk

that way people could do:

d =
#populate it somehow
d.find {|entry| entry.word1 == "hello"}

and all the rest of the cool stuff Enumerable provides.



On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Max Schmidt <> wrote:

def initialize(entries=nil)
if entries==nil
@entries =
@entries = entries

this could be done like this:

   def initialize\(entries=nil\)
      @entries = entries || \[\]   \# or Array\.new if you prefer

How about

def initialize( entries = )
@entries = entries

Yep, that's cleaner.

BTW, I think it is better to use setters and getters than to directly access
the ivars, because if you restrict access to the method, then you only have
to go to one place if you change implementation.

Sounds good to me, enter the Self Encapsulate Field refactoring (yes,
I'm now reading Fowler's book :slight_smile:

attr_accessor :entries

def initialize(entries =
  self.entries = entries

Although maybe you want the accessor to be private at first, unless
your public interface calls for that.



On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Josh Cheek <> wrote:

2010/3/31 Jesús Gabriel y Galán <>

3 -

Why don't you allow one letter words?

Because strings with one letter aren't any words, they are characters.
My aim was to develop a dictionary where you can organize "real-life"

"a" is a word :slight_smile:

This is a good argument, I was obviously too focused on my native
language :slight_smile:

if (match!=nil && match[0].length == word.length) then true

def self.is_word? word
�word.match(/\A[:alpha:][:alpha:]+\z/) #you can remove the first
[:alpha:] to allow 1-letter words

I wanted to limit the word's length to 15 as you can see in my regular
expression. Are the "\A" (start position) and "\z" (end position)

It's a way of saying that the full string should match your
restrictions. It avoids having to check that the match is equal to the
length of the original string:

def self.is_word? word

should do what you want.

Oh, now I understand. Checking the length of the original string was a
work-a-round, because I did not know about this regexp feature :slight_smile:

Do you mean to avoid exceptions when the words are frozen? If yes, I
would throw an Exception if either of the two words is frozen.

No, what I mean is that the client can modify the String object after
inserting it in the dictionary:

You surely mean the DictionaryEntry

@word1 = word1.dup unless word1.frozen?
@word2 = word2.dup unless word2.frozen?

The frozen check is just an optimization, because if the string is
frozen it's not going to be modified by the client, and so you are
safe just using it.

If you assume that word1 is frozen, then @word1 would be assigned to
nil, wouldn't it? Or is the unless refering to the - and exclusively -
to the ".dup"?

If it's just for
convenience, I think you should drop it, because it's giving those
objects a behaviour that they shouldn't have.

Do you mean that the boolean equality operator (==) normally exclusively
compares with the class it is defined by?

Another idea: if want to see the dictionary as a set of things, a
common thing is to include Enumerable and provide an each method, so
that the clients of the dictionary can use the cool methods Enumerable

Nice idea, I implemented this.

Last question:
I posted this code on an other ruby forum and was criticized about my
coding style: Indents are always done with two whitespaces rather than
with tabs like I have. Have you heard anything about such a "unwritten



Posted via\.

3 -

Why don't you allow one letter words?

Because strings with one letter aren't any words, they are characters.
My aim was to develop a dictionary where you can organize "real-life"

"a" is a word :slight_smile:

This is a good argument, I was obviously too focused on my native
language :slight_smile:

Sorry about that ! You know your requirements :slight_smile:

Do you mean to avoid exceptions when the words are frozen? If yes, I
would throw an Exception if either of the two words is frozen.

No, what I mean is that the client can modify the String object after
inserting it in the dictionary:

You surely mean the DictionaryEntry

@word1 = word1.dup unless word1.frozen?
@word2 = word2.dup unless word2.frozen?

The frozen check is just an optimization, because if the string is
frozen it's not going to be modified by the client, and so you are
safe just using it.

If you assume that word1 is frozen, then @word1 would be assigned to
nil, wouldn't it? Or is the unless refering to the - and exclusively -
to the ".dup"?

No, I screwed up and you are right. I'd do it something like:

@word1 = word1.frozen? ? word1 : word1.dup

If it's just for
convenience, I think you should drop it, because it's giving those
objects a behaviour that they shouldn't have.

Do you mean that the boolean equality operator (==) normally exclusively
compares with the class it is defined by?

I think generally yes. I'm not sure if it's a hard rule, though, and
in some cases it might make sense. If you do that, I would certainly
include Enumerable in your class, so that then both are Enumerable, so
you might argue that the comparison really makes sense :slight_smile:

Last question:
I posted this code on an other ruby forum and was criticized about my
coding style: Indents are always done with two whitespaces rather than
with tabs like I have. Have you heard anything about such a "unwritten

Yeah, the typical convention is to use two spaces instead of tabs. But
criticized? Come on, it's a convention and you said you were new to
The reason I dislike tabs most is that I cannot copy and paste code
with tabs into irb, cause it shows me the current directory listing,
like a completion in the shell.

So, in my opinion, if you want to share code with the Ruby community,
I think you should try to adapt to the general conventions, it makes
it easier for everybody.



On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Max Schmidt <> wrote:

This is a religious issue, (flame)wars have started over less.


On 31 March 2010 15:58, Max Schmidt <>wrote:

Last question:
I posted this code on an other ruby forum and was criticized about my
coding style: Indents are always done with two whitespaces rather than
with tabs like I have. Have you heard anything about such a "unwritten

Ah, I thought it was pretty well-established...
Well, then, Max, what I said before may not hold true.
I still rather not have tabs because what I said about irb, but I'm
certainly not religious about it...



On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Peter Hickman <> wrote:

On 31 March 2010 15:58, Max Schmidt <>wrote:

Last question:
I posted this code on an other ruby forum and was criticized about my
coding style: Indents are always done with two whitespaces rather than
with tabs like I have. Have you heard anything about such a "unwritten

This is a religious issue, (flame)wars have started over less.

I was the one who made that comment, because it was the first thing that jumped right at me, especially when viewing the code in out code highlighter (that uses 4 spaces per tab).

This may be a religious issue, but thats the case with every coding standard. I never criticize people for their use of do ... end, {} and such, but "2 spaces, no tabs" is such widely used in the ruby world that you can indeed call it a common standard and good practice.

It is also not an "unwritten rule", but referred to in many guides, for example:

... as well as many open repositories to be found on github.

As Max explicitly asked for Cosmetics/Style, and this is one of the biggest flaws of his program in this regard, so I had to mention it.



On Mar 31, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Peter Hickman wrote:

On 31 March 2010 15:58, Max Schmidt <>wrote:

Last question:
I posted this code on an other ruby forum and was criticized about my
coding style: Indents are always done with two whitespaces rather than
with tabs like I have. Have you heard anything about such a "unwritten

This is a religious issue, (flame)wars have started over less.

Florian Gilcher

gpg: 533148E2


As Max explicitly asked for Cosmetics/Style, and this is one of the
biggest flaws of his program in this regard, so I had to mention it.

I promise to chance this bad style in my next ruby program.

Although maybe you want the accessor to be private at first, unless
your public interface calls for that.

No, @entries should be private (it already is), you are right.

Good night


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