Newbie program

I discovered Ruby this week. I was amazed at how easy it was to program in it without a book or any real manual.
I've written the following program. It looks too much like the python original to be good idiomatic ruby. I'd appreciate suggestions how to improve it.
#returns the ways one can place n queens on a
#chessboard of size n*n so that no queen is attacking another
#Ruby 1.8.3; 15 June 2006
def nqueens
  $n = 8
  $board = [nil] * ($n+1)
  def choose(k)
    if k > $n
      print $board, "\n"
      for i in 1..$n
        $board[k] = i
        choose(k + 1) if k == 1 or stillgood(k)
  def stillgood(k)
    for i in 1...k
      return false if ($board[k] == $board[i]) or
        (k-i == ($board[k] - $board[i]).abs)
    return true

Well, I've tried to Rubify the code a bit. I did these things;

* Stopped defining methods in methods.
* Used a class.
* Switched the global variables to instance variables.
* Used upto() iterators.
* Got rid of print().
* Made stillgood() method name more Rubish.
* Added the application code test at the end.

The thing I think you should still do:

* Pick more meaningful variable names than @n and k.

Here's the code.

class NQueens
   def initialize
     @n = 8
     @board = [nil] * (@n + 1)

   def choose(k)
     if k > @n
       puts @board.join
       1.upto(@n) do |i|
         @board[k] = i
         choose(k + 1) if k == 1 or still_good?(k)

   def still_good?(k)
     1.upto(k - 1) do |i|
       return false if (@board[k] == @board[i]) or
                       (k-i == (@board[k] - @board[i]).abs)


Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II


On Jun 15, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Logesh Pillay wrote:

I'd appreciate suggestions how to improve it.

Just for another data point, here's a version that I wrote ages ago that attempts to be as Ruby-ish as possible. The board is stored in such a way that a single line of Ruby can test if a new queen can be placed in a given square, and solutions are yielded to a block as they're found. (Put a 'break' into the block if you only want the first solution.)

Pete Yandell

module Queens
   Queen =, :y)

   class Board < Array
     def to_s
       map {|q| "."*q.x + "X" + "."*(size-q.x-1)}.join("\n") + "\n"

     def add(*q) + q)

   def self.solve(size = 8, queens =, &block)
     if queens.size == size
       yield queens
       y = queens.size
       for x in 0...size
         unless queens.any? {|q| x == q.x or (x-q.x).abs == (y-q.y).abs }
           solve(size, queens.add(,y)), &block)


Queens::solve {|q| print q.to_s, "\n" }

> I'd appreciate suggestions how to improve it.

Well, I've tried to Rubify the code a bit.

If I could just make a couple of small extra suggestions,

Here's the code.

class NQueens

     class << self
       def choose(k)

   def initialize
     @n = 8
     @board = [nil] * (@n + 1)

   def choose(k)
     if k > @n
       puts @board.join
       1.upto(@n) do |i|
         @board[k] = i
         choose(k + 1) if k == 1 or still_good?(k)

     # explicit returns are a pet peeve of mine :slight_smile:
     def still_good(k)
       !(1...k).any? do |i|
         @board[k] == @board[i] or k-i == (@board[k] - @board[i]).abs





On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 06:05 +0900, James Edward Gray II wrote:

On Jun 15, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Logesh Pillay wrote:

Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II

Ross Bamford -