I’ve finally overcome my newbie embarrassment enough to post about
actual code
After a couple of years(!) of about-to, I finally leapt over enough
conceptual hurdles to use Ruby for something. (RubyWin, with
Ruby 1.6.4) (And thank you Dave and Andy for providing the book with
the distro)
I was really quite insanely pleased that my first use of Ruby did
something really quite involved - it counts the number of unique IP
addresses of people who have downloaded a particular file from my
web-server - and did it in four lines of code!
aFile = File.open(‘D:/Data/Logs/Savant/copyOfGeneral.txt’)
aDictionary = Hash.new
aFile.each_line { | line | aDictionary[line.slice(/[0-9.]+/)] = 1
if line.include?(“plastic_1.1_lite-UMLtool-fw.exe”) }
puts aDictionary.size
And then I amended it to tell me how often the file was downloaded
from each unique IP address by changing the following lines to:
aDictionary = Hash.new(0)
aFile.each_line { | eachLine | aDictionary[ /[0-9.]+/ ] =
aDictionary[ /[0-9.]+/ ] + 1 if
eachLine.include?(“plastic_1.1_lite-UMLtool-fw.exe”) }
All well and good - and I was surprised how quickly I got my head
round file handling, hashes and regular expressions, and delighted at
the way I could use a regexp as the index of a hash.
(Btw, the file in question is a quite competent little UML diagramming
tool - freeware, for Windows, less than 2MB, which autogenerates Java
stub code. If anyone is interested in that sort of thing, it’s
available from the Smalltalk links page in my sig)
I have some fresh and queries and problems though -
After the file has been opened and I’ve iterated through it once, I
can’t successfully iterate through the opened file for something else.
e.g.dictionary2 = Hash.new(0)
aFile.each_line { | eachLine | dictionary2[ /[0-9.]+/ ] =
dictionary2[ /[0-9.]+/ ] + 1 if eachLine.include?(“anotherfile”) }
I then tried to get the no-longer usable file garbage-collected by
IRB-ingaFile = nil
but even after evaluating this statement, another windows app still
fails to be able to over-write copyOfGeneral.txt
What should I do to get Ruby to ‘free up’ the file?
- I tried to cut it down from 4 lines of code to 3 lines of code by
(File.open(“d:/Data/Logs/Savant/copyOfGeneral.txt”)).each_line {
line> blah… }
I’m sure I’ve seen snippets of code in the newsgroup that call methods
from the result of called methods, although the real reason I tried it
is because I’m currently learning Smalltalk where
( File open: “name of aFile” ) each_line: [ blah… ] #
pseudocode only this, in all probability, btw
works as the parenthesised expression is evaluated first and returns
aFile, which is then sent the eac_line message
What are the rules as to when object.method.method is a valid
Ruby construct? Is it ever a valid Ruby construct?
- I’d like to c’n’p a multi-line method into IRB all at once. Can I?
And if so, how?
def countDownloads (aFile, aString)
anIpNum = Regexp.new(‘[0-9.]+’)
aDictionary = Hash.new(0)
aFile.each_line { | line | aDictionary[line.slice(anIpNum)] =
aDictionary[line.slice(anIpNum)] + 1 if line.include?(aString) }
puts aDictionary.size
- I’d like to save this method as a .rb file, and invoke it from IRB.
How do I?
- I’d like to change the current Windows directory from within IRB.
How do I?
Using irb_context, I saw there was an irb_path set (to be ‘(irb)’ so I
tried: conf.irb_path=“d:/data/grlcode” which returned:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `conf’ for
Gawnsoft: http://www.gawnsoft.co.sr
Symbian/Epoc wiki: http://html.dnsalias.net:1122
Smalltalk links (harvested from comp.lang.smalltalk) http://html.dnsalias.net/gawnsoft/smalltalk