This is major development update including a lot of bug fixes (no? really?), changes, improvements and extensions.
**wxRuby3/Shapes** (Wx::SF) is a pure Ruby 2D shapes and diagramming software library/framework based on wxRuby3 which
allows easy development of software applications manipulating graphical objects (shapes) like various CASE
tools, technological process modeling tools, etc.
## What's changed
* refactor the serialization code into a separate gem [FIRM](GitHub - mcorino/firm: Format Independent Ruby Marshalling) with it's own improvements, optimizations and extensions (like XML serialization)
* add many new arrow types (square, prong, cross-bar, etc. and combinations)
* add BoxShape (incl. VBoxShape and HBoxShape) shapes with similar child management as wxRuby's BoxSizers
* major changes and extensions of the 'demo' sample
* lots of other changes, bug-fixes and optimizations
Github: GitHub - mcorino/wxRuby3-shapes: wxRuby3 Shapes framework
Github-pages: File: README — wxruby3/shapes API Documentation
Rubygems: wxruby3-shapes | | your community gem host
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