This release provides an important improvement of exception handling for wxRuby3 as well as several
enhancements and bug fixes.
** What's Changed **
* implement overall capture and fail-fast exception handling to prevent exception leakage
* provide backwards compatibility for Wx::AnimationCtrl
* fix several issues in Wx::FileDialogCustomize and FileDialogCustomizeHook
* improve and correct global single/multiple selection dialog methods
* add support for missing #evt_hotkey event handler connector method (WXMSW and WXOSX only)
* improve dialog functors to support user defined kwargs as well
* add Wx::CredentialEntryDialog and Wx::WebCredentials
* add Wx::GenericAboutDialog
For more details see the original release announcement here: [ANN] wxRuby3 v1.3.0 released · mcorino/wxRuby3 · Discussion #318 · GitHub
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