Actually Joseph used one of the soundest research methods I know of. He
published an obviously flawed "Strawman", didn't pretend it was anything it
wasn't, and the wisdom of the group began fixing errors and filling in
blanks. So, just like "Nail Soup", a basic seed is evolving into a matrix
that has more information than any single one of us could contribute.
Thanks for taking the initiative,
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph []
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: Real World Scalability and Ruby - Top 20
As Tim Bray suggested I've made my best to drop the guesses on the list, and
show only information I know is either true or reported by some credible
source. When no information is there, I just left a question mark.
I have also updated the list with the information Chad Perrin, Charles
Nutter and Tim Bray added to it. This is the list so far, again open for
1 Yahoo FreeBSD
PERL, PHP, Proprietary
"Also Python and Common Lisp" Chad Perrin
2 MSN Windows Server 2000/2003, Some FreeBSD
"I believe they're still using some FreeBSD systems at Hotmail, and all of
Windows is behind free unix firewalls through a proxy service." Chad Perrin
3 Google. Linux based or unknown servers
Python, C, Proprietary, Java
4 Linux based unknown.
5. Linux based unknown and Windows 2003.
6. MySpace Windows 2003 / 2000 some Linux unknowns too.
"Migrating to BlueDragon.NET, which uses .NET as the back end for
ColdFusion... currently... on a ColdFusion 5 back-end" Chad Perrin
7. FreeBSD, Solaris 8, Linux based unknowns,
8. Yahoo Japan Like Yahoo at 1.
9. China FreeBSD and some Linux based unknowns,
10 Windows 2003, Linux unknown servers
11 Windows 2000/2003
PERL, Proprietary, Java J2EEE
"eBay is running a crapload of Java... they used to be a solid ASP site
(pre-.NET) but switched to Java because the ASP stuff scaled horribly...the
site has Sun/Java's probably safe to assume Java's involved. "
Charles Nutter
12. China Linux unknown servers
13. Linux unknown servers
14. Yahoo China Like 1
15. Microsoft Windows 2003 / 2000, some FreeBSD at Hotmail, and UNIX
based firewalls., ASP
16. Wikipedia Apache, very little FreeBSD
Mostly PHP, some minor PERL, Python and some Java for the English
"a grand total of one FreeBSD server... The servers are primarily running on
Fedora Core 3-5...The MediaWiki software is all PHP. MySQL's classic
LAMP platform." Chad Perrin
"but Wikimedia do use Lucene [Apache Java based text search engine]
for at least the english search" A. S. Bradbury
17. FreeBSD, Linux unknown servers, Solaris 8, Netware
PERL, Proprietary, more?
18. Linux unknown server
"ASP.NET" Tim Bray
19. Blogger FreeBSD, Linux unknown servers
20. Google UK Like Google
Bye again,
Jose Hurtado
Web Developer
Toronto, Canada
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