[QUIZ] Crosswords (#10)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!



For this, the tenth Ruby Quiz, let's tackle a classic problem. I've seen it
just about everywhere in some form or another, but I believe Donald E. Knuth may
have first made it a popular challenge.

This week's quiz is to layout crossword puzzles. A puzzle layout will be
provided in a file, who's name will be passed as a command-line argument. Those
layouts will be formatted as such:

  X _ _ _ _ X X
  _ _ X _ _ _ _
  _ _ _ _ X _ _
  _ X _ _ X X X
  _ _ _ X _ _ _
  X _ _ _ _ _ X

Xs denote filled in squares and _s are where a puzzle worker would enter
letters. Each row of the puzzle is on a new line. The spaces are a readability
tool and should be ignored by your program. In the final layout, these squares
should look like this:

  ###### Filled in square
  ###### Letter square
  # #
  # #

Now, when we combine these squares, we don't want to double up on borders, so:

  _ _
  X _

should become:

  # # #
  # # #
  ###### #
  ###### #

As a style point, many crosswords drop filled squares on the outer edges. We
wouldn't want our Ruby generated crosswords to be unfashionable so we better do
that too.

  X _ X
  _ _ _

Would render as:

       # #
       # #
  # # # #
  # # # #

The final step of laying out a crossword puzzle is to number the squares for
word placement. A square is numbered if it is the first square in a word going
left to right or top to bottom. Numbers start at 1 and count up left to right,
row by row going down.

Putting all that together, here is a sample layout. (This was generated from
the layout format at the top of this quiz.)

       #1 # #2 #3 #
       # # # # #
  #4 # ######5 # #6 #7 #
  # # ###### # # # #
  #8 # #9 # # #10 # #
  # # # # # # # #
  ##################### ###########
  # ######11 # #
  # ###### # #
  #12 #13 # ######14 #15 # #
  # # # ###### # # #
       #16 # # # # #
       # # # # # #

Solutions should output (only) the finished crossword to STDOUT.

Here is my solution. This took a few more LOC than I expected.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class CrossWordPuzzle

  attr_accessor :cell_width, :cell_height

  def initialize(file)
    @file = file
    @cell_width = CELL_WIDTH
    @cell_height = CELL_HEIGHT




  def build_puzzle

  def parse_grid_file
    @grid = File.read(@file).split(/\n/)
    @grid.collect! { |line| line.split }
    @grid_width = @grid.first.size
    @grid_height = @grid.size

  def drop_outer_filled_boxes
    loop {
      changed = 0
      changed += _drop_outer_filled_boxes(@grid)
      changed += _drop_outer_filled_boxes(t = @grid.transpose)
      @grid = t.transpose
      break if 0 == changed

  def _drop_outer_filled_boxes(ary)
    changed = 0
    ary.collect! { |row|
      r = row.join
      changed += 1 unless r.gsub!(/^X|X$/, ' ').nil?
      changed += 1 unless r.gsub!(/X | X/, ' ').nil?

  def create_numbered_grid
    grid_prime = @grid.transpose

    count = '0'
    @numbered_grid = []
    @grid.each_with_index { |row, i|
      r = []
      row.each_with_index { |col, j|
        r << case col + grid_prime[j][i]
             when /#/ then count.succ!.dup
             else col
      @numbered_grid << r

  # place '#' in boxes to be numbered
  def mark_boxes(grid)
    grid.collect! { |row|
      r = row.join
      r.gsub!(/([X ])([\#_]{2,})/) { "#{$1}##{$2[1..-1]}" }
      r.gsub!(/^([\#_]{2,})/) { |m| m[0]=?#; m }

  def cell(data)
    c = []
    case data
    when 'X'
      @cell_height.times { c << ['#'] * @cell_width }
    when ' '
      @cell_height.times { c << [' '] * @cell_width }
    when /\d/
      tb = ['#'] * @cell_width
      n = sprintf("\#%-*s\#", @cell_width-2, data).split(//)
      m = sprintf("#%-#{@cell_width-2}s#", ' ').split(//)
      c << tb << n
      (@cell_height-3).times { c << m }
      c << tb
    when '_'
      tb = ['#'] * @cell_width
      m = ['#'] + [' ']*(@cell_width-2) + ['#']
      c << tb
      (@cell_height-2).times { c << m }
      c << tb

  def overlay(sub, mstr, x, y)
    sub.each_with_index { |row, i|
      row.each_with_index { |data, j|
        mstr[y+i][x+j] = data unless '#' == mstr[y+i][x+j]

  def to_s
    puzzle_width = (@cell_width-1) * @grid_width + 1
    puzzle_height = (@cell_height-1) * @grid_height + 1

    s = Array.new(puzzle_height) { Array.new(puzzle_width) << [] }

    @numbered_grid.each_with_index { |row, i|
      row.each_with_index { |data, j|
         overlay(cell(data), s, j*(@cell_width-1), i*(@cell_height-1))
    s.collect! { |row| row.join }.join("\n")
  public :to_s

end#class CrossWordPuzzle

cwp = CrossWordPuzzle.new(ARGV.shift)
puts cwp.to_s

Jim Freeze
Code Red. Code Ruby

This is my solution.

My first thought was to make a FormattedCrossword and a Crossword class
and to let the latter have a #format method which creates a
FormattedCrossword from its contents. But that would have led to much
data duplication and complication, so I used a single Crossword class.

The hearts of my solution are Crossword#calculate_layout and
Crossword#display. Crossword#calculate_layout finds the locations of
the numbers and clears any filled squares at the border (by calling the
recursive method Crossword#empty_filled_square).

This quiz took me only about 20 minutes, though it had some parts which
first seemed easy but then weren't... that was really fun. :slight_smile:

Markus Koenig


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

def Array.make2d(h, w, value)
  # make a two-dimensional Array initialized with value
  line = [value] * w
  arr = Array.new
  h.times do
    arr.push line.dup
  return arr

class Crossword
  # --instance vars--
  # @h: height
  # @w: width
  # @board: square types (2d array)
  # true: filled inner square
  # false: non-filled inner square
  # nil: previously filled outer square
  # @numbers: square number (2d array)
  # Integer: this number
  # nil: no number

  # output options
  CBORDER = '#'
  CFREE = ' '

  def Crossword.parse
    # parse ARGF

    arr = [[]]
    y = 0
    until ARGF.eof
      case ARGF.getc
      when ?_, ?-
        arr[y].push false
      when ?X, ?x
        arr[y].push true
      when ?\n
        if arr[y].length != 0
          arr.push []
          y += 1

    h = (arr[y].length == 0) ? y : y + 1
    w = arr.map{|subarr| subarr.length}.max

    cw = Crossword.new(h, w)
    h.times do |y|
      w.times do |x|
        cw.board[y][x] = true if arr[y][x] != false
    return cw

  def initialize(h, w)
    @h = h
    @w = w
    @board = Array.make2d(h, w, false)

  attr_reader :board

  def empty_filled_square(y, x)
    # recursively replace a filled area with nils

    return if y < 0 or x < 0
    return if y >= @h or x >= @w
    return if @board[y][x] != true
    @board[y][x] = nil
    empty_filled_square y-1, x
    empty_filled_square y+1, x
    empty_filled_square y, x-1
    empty_filled_square y, x+1
  private :empty_filled_square

  def calculate_layout
    # calculate @numbers and empty outer filled squares

    @numbers = Array.make2d(@h, @w, nil)

    current = 1
    @h.times do |y|
      @w.times do |x|
        next if is_filled(y, x)
        if (is_filled(y-1, x) and not is_filled(y+1, x)) \
        or (is_filled(y, x-1) and not is_filled(y, x+1))
          @numbers[y][x] = current
          current += 1

    @h.times do |y|
      empty_filled_square y, 0
      empty_filled_square y, @w - 1
    @w.times do |x|
      empty_filled_square 0, x
      empty_filled_square @h - 1, x
  private :calculate_layout

  def is_filled(y, x)
    return true if y < 0 or x < 0 or y >= @h or x >= @w
  def has_hborder(y, x)
    if y == 0
      @board[0][x] != nil
    elsif y == @h
      @board[y-1][x] != nil
      @board[y-1][x] != nil or @board[y][x] != nil
  def has_vborder(y, x)
    if x == 0
      @board[y][0] != nil
    elsif x == @w
      @board[y][x-1] != nil
      @board[y][x-1] != nil or @board[y][x] != nil
  def has_node(y, x)
    return true if y != 0 and has_vborder(y-1, x)
    return true if x != 0 and has_hborder(y, x-1)
    return true if y != @h and has_vborder(y, x)
    return true if x != @w and has_hborder(y, x)
    return false
  private :is_filled, :has_hborder, :has_vborder, :has_node

  def display

    print(has_node(0, 0) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
    @w.times do |x|
      print((has_hborder(0, x) ? CBORDER : CFREE) * 4)
      print(has_node(0, x+1) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
    @h.times do |y|
      print(has_vborder(y, 0) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
      @w.times do |x|
        if is_filled(y, x)
          print CBORDER * 4
        elsif @numbers[y][x]
          nm = @numbers[y][x].to_s
          print nm
          print CFREE * (4 - nm.length)
          print CFREE * 4
        print(has_vborder(y, x+1) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
      print(has_vborder(y, 0) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
      @w.times do |x|
        print((is_filled(y, x) ? CBORDER : CFREE) * 4)
        print(has_vborder(y, x+1) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
      print(has_node(y+1, 0) ? CBORDER : CFREE)
      @w.times do |x|
        print((has_hborder(y+1, x) ? CBORDER : CFREE) * 4)
        print(has_node(y+1, x+1) ? CBORDER : CFREE)

# this is the "main" program
cw = Crossword.parse

Hi --

I must say that I'm impressed that someone wrote a solution in 20 minutes. My
first pass took about an hour, but was never quite complete b/c I felt it was
too hackish. I don't usually do these quizes, but I decided to take a good
portion of a day out of my regular routine to try to write a nice version. It
was fun, and I needed the break :slight_smile:

I looked at the problem from the point of view of a cellular automata. The
main point of interest is the way in which I passively build the puzzle. As a
"cell" is queried its "type" is determined on the fly. To determine the type,
a cell must check to see what the type of its neighbors are, thus recursing
the process. The results of each cell query are cached, short-circuiting the


# crossit.rb --------------------------------------------------------

module CrossWord
  def self.build( str )
    Board.new( str ).build
  class Board
    def initialize( layout )
      b = layout.upcase # upcase and duplicate input layout
      lines = b.split(/\n/) # split into array of lines of tokens
      @board = lines.collect{ |line| line.scan(/[_X]/) }
      @cnt=0 # set cell counter (for numbering)
    def height ; @height ||= @board.length ; end
    def width ; @width ||= @board[0].length ; end
    # the board builds itself as it is called upon
    def board(y,x)
      return nil if @board[y][x] == 'P' # pending resolution
      # resolution complete
      return @board[y][x] if @board[y][x] != '_' and @board[y][x] != 'X'
      return @board[y][x] = 'u' if @board[y][x] == '_'
      # on edge
      return @board[y][x] = 'e' if y==0 or x==0 or y==height-1 or x==width-1
      if @board[y][x] == 'X' # could be edge or solid
        @board[y][x] = 'P' # mark as pending (prevents infinite recursion)
        return @board[y][x] = 'e' if # edge if neighbor is edge
          board(y-1,x) == 'e' or board(y,x+1) == 'e' or
          board(y+1,x) == 'e' or board(y,x-1) == 'e'
      return @board[y][x] = 's' # else solid
    # build the puzzle
    def build
      puzzle = Puzzle.new( height, width ) # new puzzle
      # edges must be done first since they clear spaces
      @board.each_with_index{ |line,y|
        line.each_with_index{ |cell,x|
          type = board(y,x)
          puzzle.push(type,y,x,nil) if type == 'e'
      # buildup all the solid and fill'in pieces
      @board.each_with_index{ |line,y|
        line.each_with_index{ |cell,x|
          type = board(y,x)
          cnt = upper_left?(type,y,x) ? (@cnt += 1) : ''
          puzzle.push(type,y,x,cnt) if type != 'e'
      } }
      puzzle.to_s # return the final product
    # determines if a cell should be numbered
    def upper_left?(type,y,x)
      return false if type != 'u'
      return true if y == 0 and board(y+1,x) == 'u'
      return true if x == 0 and board(y,x+1) == 'u'
      if x != width-1 and board(y,x+1) == 'u'
        return true if board(y,x-1) == 'e'
        return true if board(y,x-1) == 's'
      if y != height-1 and board(y+1,x) == 'u'
        return true if board(y-1,x) == 'e'
        return true if board(y-1,x) == 's'
      return false
  # Puzzle is a simple matrix
  class Puzzle
    attr_reader :puzzle
    def initialize(height, width)
      @puzzle = [''] # build a blank to work on
      (height*(CELL_HEIGHT-1)+1).times{ |y|
        (width*(CELL_WIDTH-1)+1).times{ |x| @puzzle.last << '.' }
        @puzzle << ''
    def push(type,y,x,cnt)
      c = space(type,cnt)
      ny = y * CELL_HEIGHT - (y == 0 ? 0 : y) # adjust for first line
      nx = x * CELL_WIDTH - (x == 0 ? 0 : x) # adjust for first column
      @puzzle[ny+0][nx,CELL_WIDTH] = c[0]
      @puzzle[ny+1][nx,CELL_WIDTH] = c[1]
      @puzzle[ny+2][nx,CELL_WIDTH] = c[2]
      @puzzle[ny+3][nx,CELL_WIDTH] = c[3]
    def space(type,cnt)
      case type
      when "u"
        [ "######",
          "#%s#" % "#{cnt} "[0,4],
          "# #",
          "######" ]
      when "s"
        [ "######" ] * 4
      when "e"
        [ " " ] * 4
    def to_s ; @puzzle.join("\n") ; end

# ruby crossit.rb <layoutfile.cit>
if $0 == __FILE__
  cwstr = nil
  if FileTest.file?( ARGV[0] )
    File.open( ARGV[0] ) { cwstr = gets(nil) }
  $stdout << CrossWord.build( cwstr )

crossit.rb (3.53 KB)

test1.cit (85 Bytes)

Here is my version. Nothing special, just a few branches and thats it. Only
thing worth mentioning may be, that I only draw lines to the left, top, and the
edge at the top-left of each cell to avoid drawing double lines.

Everything in a highlighted version is at:

Here comes the code:

module Crossword
  class Cell
    attr_accessor :empty, :visible, :number

    def initialize(empty, visible = true, number = nil)
      self.empty = empty
      self.visible = visible
      self.number = number

    def to_s
      (self.visible ? (self.empty ? (self.number ? "[%02d]" % self.number : '[
]') : '[XX]') : ' ')

  class Layout
    attr_accessor :cell_height, :cell_width

    DIRS = [[-1,0], [0,-1], [1,0], [0,1]]

    # Prepare information of fields.


    # Set bordering empty fields to nil. Some field may enter the stack twice,
but its a bit shorter that way.
    def remove_empty_border
      stack = []
      for row in 0...height
        stack.push [row, 0] unless self[row, 0].empty
        stack.push [row, width-1] unless self[row, width-1].empty
      for col in 0...width
        stack.push [0, col] unless self[0, col].empty
        stack.push [height-1, col] unless self[height-1, col].empty

      while cell = stack.pop
        self[*cell].visible = false
        DIRS.each do | dir |
          neighbor = cell.zip(dir).map{|i,j| i + j}
          stack.push neighbor if self[*neighbor] and !self[*neighbor].empty and

    # Prepare information of fields.
    # Set Word Numbers based on the information of the four directly adjacent
    def number_cells
      n = 1
      for row in 0...height
        for col in 0...width
          cell = self[row, col]
          west, north, east, south = DIRS.map{|dx, dy| self[row + dx, col + dy]
and self[row + dx, col + dy].empty }
          if cell.empty and ((!west and east) or (!north and south))
            cell.number = n
            n += 1
    # create new layout from a file stream as described at
    def initialize(file, cell_width = 5, cell_height = 3)
      self.cell_width = cell_width
      self.cell_height = cell_height
      @lines = file.read.split("\n").map{ |line| line.scan(/[_X]/).map{|cell|
Cell.new(cell == '_')} }

    def [](row, col)
      return @lines[row][col] if 0 <= row and 0 <= col and row < height and col
< width
      return nil

    def width() @lines[0].length end
    def height() @lines.length end

    # Create a layout as described at
    def to_s
      result = ''
      for r in 0..height
        lines = Array.new(cell_height) { '' }
        for c in 0..width
          # Differentiate the behaviour based on the visibility state of four
cells at a time
          c1, c2, c3, c4 = self[r-1, c-1], self[r-1, c], self[r, c-1], self[r,
          v1, v2, v3, v4 = (c1 and c1.visible), (c2 and c2.visible), (c3 and
c3.visible), (c4 and c4.visible)
          if v4
            lines[0] << '#' * cell_width
            (1...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << '#' end
            lines[0] << if v1 or v2 or v3
                          ' '
            lines[0] << if v2
                          '#' * (cell_width - 1)
                          ' ' * (cell_width - 1)
            if v3
              (1...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << '#' end
              (1...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << ' ' end
          if v4
            if c4.empty
              lines[1] << c4.number.to_s.ljust(cell_width-1)
              (2...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << ' ' * (cell_width-1)
              (1...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << '#' * (cell_width-1)
            (1...cell_height).each do | i | lines[i] << ' ' * (cell_width-1)
        result << lines.join("\n") << "\n"

  data = ARGV[0] ? File.new(ARGV[0]) : DATA

  puts Layout.new(data)

best regards,


Brian Schröder

Hi all,

here's another solution. When I read the quiz my first thought was about using regular expressions. So I first tried to extend gsub! to work both horizontally as well as vertically through a multi-line string. As others, I too had to solve some unexpected hurdles. I hope you find this version interesting.


class Array

   # converts a two-dimensional array into a multi-line string
   def to_s2
     map { |row| "#{row}\n" }.join

   # inserts successive elements from other array between every two
   # elements of this array
   def weave other
     inject [] do |array, element|
       array << other.shift unless array.empty?
       array << element

   # weaves the rows of two two-dimensional arrays, see weave
   def weave2 other
     zip( other ).map { |row1, row2| row1.weave row2 }


class String

   # splits a multi-line string into a two-dimensional array of
   # character strings
   def to_a2
     map { |row| row.chomp.split // }

   # transposes a multi-line string like a two-dimensional array
   def transpose

   # in-place form of transpose
   def transpose!
     replace transpose

   # like gsub!, but works both horizontally and vertically in a
   # multi-line string
   def gsub2! re, subst
     result1 = gsub! re, subst
     result2 = gsub! re, subst
     self if result1 || result2

   # like Array#weave2, using multi-line strings
   def weave other
     to_a2.weave2( other.to_a2 ).to_s2


# input patterns
LETTER = "_"

# intermediate patterns
LINE = "#"
EMPTY = " "

# search patterns

# removes spaces from input
def remove_spaces
   @s.gsub!( / /, "" )

# marks outside cells (filled cells adjacent to edges or outside cells)
def mark_outside_cells
   nil while \
     @s.gsub2!( /#{FILLED}(#{OUT_OR_EDGE})/, "#{OUTSIDE}\\1" ) or \
     @s.gsub2!( /(#{OUT_OR_EDGE})#{FILLED}/, "\\1#{OUTSIDE}" )

# marks beginnings of words
def number_beginnings
   @s.gsub2! /(#{BEFORE_NEW_WORD})#{LETTER}(#{WORD})/, "\\1#{NUMBER}\\2"

# creates a pattern of delimiters between non-outside cells
def delimiters s, delimiter, space, gsub_method = :gsub!
   r = s.dup
   r.send gsub_method, /^/, OUTSIDE
   r.send gsub_method, /[^#{OUTSIDE}\n]/, delimiter
   r.send gsub_method, /#{OUTSIDE}(?=#{delimiter})/, delimiter
   r.send gsub_method, OUTSIDE, space

# duplicates every cell line, removing number marks
def duplicate_cell_lines
   index = 0
   @s = @s.inject do |result, row|
     index += 1
     result << row
     result << row.gsub( NUMBER, LETTER ) if index % 2 == 1

# read layout
@s = ARGF.read

# process the layout

# delimiting lines and corners
v = delimiters @s, LINE, EMPTY
h = delimiters( @s.transpose, FILLED, LETTER ).transpose
c = delimiters @s, LINE, EMPTY, :gsub2!

# combine layout and delimiters
vs = v.weave @s
ch = c.weave h
@s = ch.transpose.weave( vs.transpose ).transpose

# format the result
num = 0
@s.gsub! /./ do |char|
   case char
   when OUTSIDE, LETTER then " "
   when FILLED then "####"
   when NUMBER then "%-4i" % ( num += 1 )
   else char

# output the result
puts @s

I originally thought I would have my solution work in two passes--the first,
effectively building a formatted string, and the second emitting the string
to the chosen stream. I decided to try and do it in one pass, though,
building the layout and emitting the string in a single pass.

I used two classes: Definition, which was just the encapsulation of the
input, and Formatter, which performed the layout formatting.

I've also attached a sample input file. :slight_smile:

ruby-quiz.layout (540 Bytes)


# Jamis Buck's solution to Ruby-Quiz #10:

module Layout

  class Definition
    def initialize( string )
      @lines = string.split( $/ ).map { |l| l.gsub(/\s/,"") }
      @properties = Hash.new

    def rows

    def columns

    def []( x, y )
      return false if ( x < 0 ) || ( y < 0 )
      return false if ( x >= columns ) || ( y >= rows )
      @lines[y][x] == ?_

    def property( x, y, name )
      @properties[ [x,y,name] ]

    def set_property( x, y, name, value )
      @properties[ [x,y,name] ] = value

  class Formatter
    def initialize( definition )
      @definition = definition

    CELL_WIDTH = 5

    NUMBER_TOKEN = "%-3s"

    FILLED_CELL = [ "#####", "#####", "#####" ]
    EMPTY_CELL = [ "#####", "##{NUMBER_TOKEN} ", "# " ]
    BLANK_CELL = [ "`^^^^", "< ", "< " ]

    WALL = "#"
    SPACE = " "

    def format( output=STDOUT )
      number = 1
      @definition.rows.times do |row|
        CELL_HEIGHT.times do |row_y|
          @definition.columns.times do |col|
            cell = @definition[col,row] ? EMPTY_CELL : FILLED_CELL
            line = cell[row_y]

            number_str = ""
            if cell[row_y].include?(NUMBER_TOKEN) && @definition[col,row]
              if ( !@definition[col-1,row] && @definition[col+1,row] ) ||
                 ( !@definition[col,row-1] && @definition[col,row+1] )
              # begin
                number_str = number.to_s
                number += 1
            elsif !@definition[col,row]
              if has_exit_path( col, row )
                line = BLANK_CELL[row_y]
                clear_left = has_exit_path( col-1, row )
                clear_up = has_exit_path( col, row-1 )
                clear_corner = has_exit_path( col-1, row-1 )
                up_char = clear_up ? SPACE : WALL
                left_char = clear_left ? SPACE : WALL
                corner_char = clear_corner && clear_left && clear_up ?
                  SPACE : WALL
                line = line.tr( "`^<", "#{corner_char}#{up_char}#{left_char}" )
                @definition.set_property( col, row, :exit_path, false )

            output << line % number_str
          puts( @definition[@definition.columns-1,row-1] &&
            row_y == 0 || @definition[@definition.columns-1,row] ?
            WALL : SPACE )

      @definition.columns.times do |col|
        if !@definition[col,@definition.rows-1]
          if col == 0 || col > 0 && !@definition[col-1,@definition.rows-1]
            print SPACE
            print WALL
          print SPACE*4
          print WALL*5

      if @definition[@definition.columns-1,@definition.rows-1]
        print WALL


    def has_exit_path( col, row )
      @visited = Hash.new
      find_exit_path_recurse( col, row )
    private :has_exit_path

    def find_exit_path_recurse( col, row )
      return false if @definition[col,row]
      return false if @visited[ [col,row] ]
      @visited[ [col,row] ] = true

      return true if @definition.property( col, row, :exit_path )
      return false if @definition.property( col, row, :exit_path ) == false

      if col == 0 || col == @definition.columns-1 ||
         row == 0 || row == @definition.rows-1
        @definition.set_property( col, row, :exit_path, true )
        return true

      found = ( col > 0 && !@definition[col-1,row] &&
        find_exit_path_recurse( col-1, row ) )

      found = found || ( col < @definition.columns-1 &&
        !@definition[col+1,row] && find_exit_path_recurse( col+1, row ) )

      found = found || ( row > 0 && !@definition[col,row-1] &&
        find_exit_path_recurse( col, row-1 ) )

      found = found || ( row < @definition.rows-1 && !@definition[col,row+1] &&
        find_exit_path_recurse( col, row+1 ) )

      if found
        @definition.set_property( col, row, :exit_path, true )
        return true

      return false
    private :find_exit_path_recurse


  def format( file, output=STDOUT )
    definition = Definition.new( File.read( file ) )
    Formatter.new( definition ).format( output )
  module_function :format


Layout.format( ARGV.first, STDOUT ) if __FILE__ == $0

Jamis Buck

Here's mine... again. (Feel bad about the early spoiler. Sorry!)

This code is far from pretty. It was one of those solutions that kept getting fixes piled on until it works. I probably should has rewritten it, but it does work.

If you did this problem in 20 minutes, you're about 5 times smarter than me.

James Edward Gray II

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class Square
  @@count = 1
  def initialize( holds_letter = false )
    @holds_letter = holds_letter
    @edge = false
  attr_reader :holds_letter
  attr_accessor :edge
  def render( row, top, left, right, bottom )
    if @holds_letter
      number = ""
      if (top.nil? or not top.holds_letter) and
         (bottom and bottom.holds_letter)
        number = @@count.to_s
        @@count += 1
      elsif (left.nil? or not left.holds_letter) and
          (right and right.holds_letter)
        number = @@count.to_s
        @@count += 1
      if top.nil? and left.nil?
        row[0] << "######"
        row[1] << sprintf("#%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << "# #"
        row[3] << "######"
      elsif top.nil?
        row[0] << "#####"
        row[1] << sprintf("%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << " #"
        row[3] << "#####"
      elsif left.nil?
        row[1] << sprintf("#%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << "# #"
        row[3] << "######"
        row[1] << sprintf("%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << " #"
        row[3] << "#####"
      if @edge
        if top.nil? and left.nil?
          row[0] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        elsif top.nil?
          row[0] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        elsif left.nil?
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        if right and not right.edge
          row.each { |e| e.sub!(/ $/, "#") }
        if left and not left.edge
          row.each { |e| e.sub!(/ (.{5})$/, '#\1') }
        if top and not top.edge
          row[0].sub!(/ +(#?)$/) do |m|
            "#" * (m.length - $1.length) + $1
        if bottom and not bottom.edge
          row[3].sub!(/ +(#?)$/) do |m|
            "#" * (m.length - $1.length) + $1
        if top.nil? and left.nil?
          row[0] << "######"
          row[1] << "######"
          row[2] << "######"
          row[3] << "######"
        elsif top.nil?
          row[0] << "#####"
          row[1] << "#####"
          row[2] << "#####"
          row[3] << "#####"
        elsif left.nil?
          row[1] << "######"
          row[2] << "######"
          row[3] << "######"
          row[1] << "#####"
          row[2] << "#####"
          row[3] << "#####"

board =
while line = ARGF.gets
  board <<
  line.chomp.delete(" ").each_byte do |c|
    if c == ?X
      board[-1] << Square.new
      board[-1] << Square.new(true)

loop do
  changed = false
  board.each_with_index do |row, y|
    row.each_with_index do |cell, x|
      next if cell.holds_letter or cell.edge
      if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == board[0].size - 1 or y == board.size - 1
        cell.edge = true
        changed = true
      top = board[y - 1]
      left = board[y][x - 1]
      right = board[y][x + 1]
      bottom = board[y + 1]
      if (top and top.edge) or (left and left.edge) or
         (right and right.edge) or (bottom and bottom.edge)
        cell.edge = true
        changed = true
  break if not changed

board.each_with_index do |row, y|
  drawn_row = ["", "", "", ""]
  row.each_with_index do |cell, x|
    top = y == 0 ? nil : board[y - 1]
    left = x == 0 ? nil : board[y][x - 1]
    right = x == board[0].size - 1 ? nil : board[y][x + 1]
    bottom = y == board.size - 1 ? nil : board[y + 1]
    cell.render drawn_row, top, left, right, bottom
  drawn_row.each { |e| puts e if e.length > 0 }


On Dec 5, 2004, at 8:07 AM, Markus Koenig wrote:

This is my solution.

Improvement. Change,

  def space(type,cnt)
      case type
when "u"
[ "######",
"#%s#" % "#{cnt} "[0,4],
"# #",
"######" ]


  def space(type,cnt)
      case type
      when "u"
        [ "######",
          "#%-4s#" % cnt,
          "# #",
          "######" ]

Thanks JEGII,

I had a bit of time so I'll throw one into the pot as well:

  class Xword
    def initialize(spec)
      @spec = spec.gsub(/ +/,'').squeeze("\n")
      @height = @spec.count("\n")
      @width = (@spec.size - @height) / @height
    def find_blanks
      1 while @spec.gsub!(/(^|B+)X/,'\1B') ||
              @spec.gsub!(/X(B+|$)/,'B\1') ||
              @spec.gsub!(/X(.*\Z)/,'B\1') ||
              @spec.gsub!(/\A(.*)X/,'\1B') ||
              @spec.gsub!(/X(.{#{@width}}B)/m,'B\1') ||
    def generate(c="#")
      row = ((" " * 5) * @width) + " \n"
      @pstr = row * (@height * 3) + row
      @llen = row.size
      @cells = @spec.delete("\n")
      cell, count = -1, 0
      (0...@pstr.size - @llen * 3).step(@llen * 3) do |i|
        (i...i + @llen - 5).step(5) do |j|
          cell += 1
          make_cell(j, c) if @cells[cell] != ?B
          fill_cell(j, c) if @cells[cell] == ?X
          next unless blank?(cell) and numerate?(cell)
          @pstr[j + @llen + 1, 2] = sprintf("%02d", count += 1)
    def blank?(cell)
      (0...@cells.size) === cell and @cells[cell] == ?_
    def numerate?(cell)
      mod = cell % @width
      (mod == 0 or !blank?(cell - 1)) &&
      (mod < @width and blank?(cell + 1)) or
      (!blank?(cell - @width) and blank?(cell + @width))
    def make_cell(n,c)
      @pstr[n..n + 5] = c * 6
      @pstr[(n + @llen * 3)..((n + @llen * 3) + 5)] = c * 6
      4.times {|i| @pstr[n + @llen * i] = c}
      4.times {|i| @pstr[n + 5 + @llen * i] = c}
    def fill_cell(n,c)
      @pstr[n + @llen + 1, 4] = c * 4
      @pstr[n + @llen * 2 + 1, 4] = c * 4
    def to_s

  xword = Xword.new(File.read(ARGV[0]))
  puts xword


I build the full display with double borders and then remove




#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class GraphicBlock
   attr_reader :arr

   def initialize(arr)
     @arr = arr

   def add_right(other)
     result = @arr.zip(other.arr).collect do |line|

   def add_below(other)
     GraphicBlock.new(@arr + other.arr)

   def transpose
     result = @arr.collect { |row| row.split(//) }.
       transpose.collect { |line| line.join("") }

   def collapse_column_borders(cell_width)
     result = @arr.each do |line|
       (line.size/cell_width).downto(1) do |i|
  border = (i*cell_width) - 1
  line[border, 2] = line[border, 2].include?("#") ? "#" : " "

   def collapse_row_borders(cell_height)

   def to_s

class Crossword
   attr_reader :cell_width, :cell_height

   def initialize(filename, cell_width = 6, cell_height = 4)
     @cell_width = cell_width
     @cell_height = cell_height
     @puzzle = Array.new
     IO.foreach(filename) do |line|
       line = line.chomp.gsub(/ /, '')
       @puzzle << (row = Array.new)
       line.split('').each do |char|
  if (char == "X")
    row << :filled
    row << :letter

   def cell(i, j)
     if (i < 0 || i >= @puzzle.size ||
  j < 0 || j >= @puzzle[i].size)

   def above(i, j) cell(i-1, j) end
   def below(i, j) cell(i+1, j) end
   def left(i, j) cell(i, j-1) end
   def right(i, j) cell(i, j+1) end

   def adjacent(i, j)
     [above(i, j), below(i, j), left(i, j), right(i, j)]

   def unused_cell?(item)
     (item == nil) || (item == :filled)

   def letter_cell?(item)

   def puzzle_visit
     @puzzle.each_with_index do |row, i|
       row.each_with_index do |item, j|
  yield(item, i, j)

   def remove_filled_border
       changed = false
       puzzle_visit do |item, i, j|
  if (item == :filled && adjacent(i, j).include?(nil))
    @puzzle[i][j] = nil
    changed = true
     end while (changed)

   def number_puzzle
     count = 1
     puzzle_visit do |item, i, j|
       if (letter_cell?(item) &&
    ((unused_cell?(above(i, j)) && letter_cell?(below(i, j))) ||
     (unused_cell?(left(i, j)) && letter_cell?(right(i, j)))))
  @puzzle[i][j] = count
  count += 1

   def graphics(item)
     arr = Array.new
     if (item == :filled)
       cell_height.times { |i| arr << "#" * cell_width }
     elsif (item == :letter)
       arr << "#" * cell_width
       (cell_height-2).times { |i|
  arr << "#" + " " * (cell_width-2) + "#"
       arr << "#" * cell_width
     elsif (item != nil && item.integer?)
       arr << "#" * cell_width
       arr << sprintf("#%-*d#", cell_width-2, item)
       (cell_height-3).times { |i|
  arr << "#" + " " * (cell_width-2) + "#"
       arr << "#" * cell_width
       cell_height.times { |i| arr << " " * cell_width }

   def draw_raw
     @puzzle.collect do |row|
       row.collect { |cell| graphics(cell) }.inject do |row_picture, g|
     end.inject do |full_picture, row_picture|

   def draw

if __FILE__ == $0
   puzzle = Crossword.new(ARGV.first)
   print puzzle.draw.to_s + "\n"

Here's mine. I changed the cell borders so they look like


   > >

The only possibly interesting decision I made was to create a piece of "paper" onto which I drew each cell. Instead of worrying about other cells' borders, each cell drew itself completely. This means that the edges were re-drawn between adjacent cells. Removing this duplication would have been a premature optimization.

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

class Cell

     WIDTH = 6
     HEIGHT = 4

     attr_accessor :neighbors # Hash, key=:left, :right, :top, :bottom

     def Cell.from_char(c)
         return c == '_' ? WhiteCell.new : BlackCell.new

     def initialize
         @neighbors = {}

     def print_border_at(row, col, paper)
         x = col * (Cell::WIDTH - 1)
         y = row * (Cell::HEIGHT - 1)

         # corners
         paper[y] =
             paper[y][x+Cell::WIDTH-1] =
             paper[y+Cell::HEIGHT-1] =
             paper[y+Cell::HEIGHT-1][x+Cell::WIDTH-1] = '+'

         # top and bottom
         (Cell::WIDTH-2).times { | j | paper[y][x+1+j] = '-' }
         (Cell::WIDTH-2).times { | j | paper[y+Cell::HEIGHT-1][x+1+j] = '-' }

         # sides
         (Cell::HEIGHT - 2).times { | i |
             paper[y+1+i] = '|'
             paper[y+1+i][x+Cell::WIDTH-1] = '|'


class WhiteCell < Cell
     attr_accessor :clue_number

     def black?
         return false

     def needs_clue_number?
         return ((@neighbors[:left].nil? || @neighbors[:left].black?) &&
                 !@neighbors[:right].nil? && !@neighbors[:right].black?)

                ((@neighbors[:top].nil? || @neighbors[:top].black?) &&
                 !@neighbors[:bottom].nil? && !@neighbors[:bottom].black?)

     def print_at(row, col, paper)
         print_border_at(row, col, paper)

         if @clue_number
             x = col * (Cell::WIDTH - 1)
             y = row * (Cell::HEIGHT - 1)
             s = @clue_number.to_s
             s.split(//).each_with_index { | char, i |
                 paper[y+1][x+1+i] = char

class BlackCell < Cell

     def initialize
         @fill_char = '#'

     def black?
         return true

     def hidden?
         return @hidden

     def needs_clue_number?
         return false

     def hide
         return if hidden?
         @hidden = true
         @fill_char = ' '
         @neighbors.each_value { | cell | cell.hide if cell && cell.black? }

     def print_at(row, col, paper)
         return if hidden?

         print_border_at(row, col, paper)

         # fill center
         x = col * (Cell::WIDTH - 1)
         y = row * (Cell::HEIGHT - 1)
          (Cell::HEIGHT-2).times { | i |
             (Cell::WIDTH-2).times { | j | paper[y+1+i][x+1+j] = '#' }

     def print_scanline(i)
         print @fill_char * (Cell::WIDTH - 1)

     def print_bottom

     def print_right_wall
         print @fill_char

class Puzzle

     def initialize(io)

     def read_picture(io)
         @cells =
         io.each_with_index { | line, i |
             line = line.chomp.gsub(/[^x_]/i, '')
             @cells[i] =
             line.split(//).each { | c | @cells[i] << Cell.from_char(c) }

     def introduce_neighbors
         @cells.each_with_index { | row, i |
             row.each_with_index { | cell, j |
                 cell.neighbors[:left] = @cells[i][j-1] unless j == 0
                 cell.neighbors[:right] = @cells[i][j+1]
                 cell.neighbors[:top] = @cells[i-1][j] unless i == 0
                 cell.neighbors[:bottom] = @cells[i+1][j] if @cells[i+1]

     def hide_outer_black
         @cells.first.each { | cell | cell.hide if cell.black? }
         @cells.last.each { | cell | cell.hide if cell.black? }
         @cells.each { | row |
             row.first.hide if row.first.black?
             row.last.hide if row.last.black?

     def assign_clue_numbers
         clue_number = 1
         @cells.each_with_index { | row, i |
             row.each_with_index { | cell, j |
                 if cell.needs_clue_number?
                     cell.clue_number = clue_number
                     clue_number += 1

     def print
         paper = blank_paper
         @cells.each_with_index { | row, row_num |
             row.each_with_index { | cell, col_num |
                 cell.print_at(row_num, col_num, paper)
         paper.each { | scanline | puts scanline.join }

     def blank_paper
         width = @cells[0].size * (Cell::WIDTH - 1) + 10
         height = @cells.size * (Cell::HEIGHT - 1) + 10
         paper =
         height.times { paper << (' ' * width).split(//) }
         return paper



Jim Menard, jimm@io.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/
"An object at rest cannot be stopped!"
     -- The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight

Hi all,

here's another solution. When I read the quiz my first thought was about
using regular expressions. So I first tried to extend gsub! to work both
horizontally as well as vertically through a multi-line string. As others,
I too had to solve some unexpected hurdles. I hope you find this version

Very intersting approach, Capitain. I had thought something like this would be
but wasn't sure how to approach. In general a 2d "Sheet of Paper" String
would be a useful class in general. I'd like to take your beginnings of such
and build a dedicated class. Are you interested?



On Sunday 05 December 2004 05:53 pm, Pit Capitain wrote:


class Array

   # converts a two-dimensional array into a multi-line string
   def to_s2
     map { |row| "#{row}\n" }.join

   # inserts successive elements from other array between every two
   # elements of this array
   def weave other
     inject do |array, element|
       array << other.shift unless array.empty?
       array << element

   # weaves the rows of two two-dimensional arrays, see weave
   def weave2 other
     zip( other ).map { |row1, row2| row1.weave row2 }


class String

   # splits a multi-line string into a two-dimensional array of
   # character strings
   def to_a2
     map { |row| row.chomp.split // }

   # transposes a multi-line string like a two-dimensional array
   def transpose

   # in-place form of transpose
   def transpose!
     replace transpose

   # like gsub!, but works both horizontally and vertically in a
   # multi-line string
   def gsub2! re, subst
     result1 = gsub! re, subst
     result2 = gsub! re, subst
     self if result1 || result2

   # like Array#weave2, using multi-line strings
   def weave other
     to_a2.weave2( other.to_a2 ).to_s2


# input patterns
LETTER = "_"

# intermediate patterns
LINE = "#"
EMPTY = " "

# search patterns

# removes spaces from input
def remove_spaces
   @s.gsub!( / /, "" )

# marks outside cells (filled cells adjacent to edges or outside cells)
def mark_outside_cells
   nil while \
     @s.gsub2!( /#{FILLED}(#{OUT_OR_EDGE})/, "#{OUTSIDE}\\1" ) or \
     @s.gsub2!( /(#{OUT_OR_EDGE})#{FILLED}/, "\\1#{OUTSIDE}" )

# marks beginnings of words
def number_beginnings
   @s.gsub2! /(#{BEFORE_NEW_WORD})#{LETTER}(#{WORD})/, "\\1#{NUMBER}\\2"

# creates a pattern of delimiters between non-outside cells
def delimiters s, delimiter, space, gsub_method = :gsub!
   r = s.dup
   r.send gsub_method, /^/, OUTSIDE
   r.send gsub_method, /[^#{OUTSIDE}\n]/, delimiter
   r.send gsub_method, /#{OUTSIDE}(?=#{delimiter})/, delimiter
   r.send gsub_method, OUTSIDE, space

# duplicates every cell line, removing number marks
def duplicate_cell_lines
   index = 0
   @s = @s.inject do |result, row|
     index += 1
     result << row
     result << row.gsub( NUMBER, LETTER ) if index % 2 == 1

# read layout
@s = ARGF.read

# process the layout

# delimiting lines and corners
v = delimiters @s, LINE, EMPTY
h = delimiters( @s.transpose, FILLED, LETTER ).transpose
c = delimiters @s, LINE, EMPTY, :gsub2!

# combine layout and delimiters
vs = v.weave @s
ch = c.weave h
@s = ch.transpose.weave( vs.transpose ).transpose

# format the result
num = 0
@s.gsub! /./ do |char|
   case char
   when OUTSIDE, LETTER then " "
   when FILLED then "####"
   when NUMBER then "%-4i" % ( num += 1 )
   else char

# output the result
puts @s

( o _ カラチ
// trans.
/ \ transami@runbox.com

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
-Mark Twain

each_with_index{|x,i| $><<(x^'Begin landing your troops'[i]).chr}
-Tadayoshi Funaba

I added a hackish CrosswordGenerator that finds a possible setup of words to
fit the layout. Note that this code is ugly, violates OO Principles and a hack,
but I wanted to share it in case somebody is interested.

best regards,


I append the crossword generator below. For a sample output look at the url
given above.

module CrosswordGenerator
  class Wordlist < Array
    def initialize(file = '/usr/share/dict/words')
      self.replace File.read(file).upcase.split("\n").grep(/^[A-Z]*$/)

  class Filter
    attr_accessor :wordlist, :words
    def initialize
      @constraints = {}
      @length = {}
      @words = {}

    def add_constraint(word_1, pos_1, word_2, pos_2)
      (@constraints[word_1] ||= ) << [[word_1, pos_1], [word_2, pos_2]]
      (@constraints[word_2] ||= ) << [[word_2, pos_2], [word_1, pos_1]]

    def add_length_constraint(word, length)
      @length[word] = length
      @words[word] = nil

    def set_word(index, word)
      @words[index] = word

    def unset_word(index)
      set_word(index, nil)

    def matching_words(word)
      re = '.' * @length[word]
      @constraints[word].each do | ((w1, i1), (w2, i2)) |
        re[i1] = @words[w2][i2] if @words[w2]
      re = Regexp.new('^' + re + '$')

    def prepare
      @wordlists = {}
      @length.each do | index, length |
        re = /^.{#{length}}$/
        @wordlists[index] = wordlist.grep(re)

  class Cell
    attr_accessor :h_word_length, :v_word_length, :number, :h_words, :v_words
    attr_accessor :h_word, :v_word
    def initialize
      @v_words =
      @h_words =

  class GeneratorLayout
    def index_cells
      n = 1
      each_with_index do | cell, (row, col) |
        next unless cell
        cell.v_words << [cell, 0] if !self[row-1,col] and self[row+1, col]
        cell.h_words << [cell, 0] if !self[row,col-1] and self[row, col+1]
        cell.number, n = n, n+1 unless cell.v_words.empty? and

      each_with_index do | cell, (row, col) |
        next unless cell
        if self[row-1, col]
          self[row-1, col].v_words.each do | word, index | cell.v_words <<
[word, index + 1]; word.v_word_length = index + 2 end
        if self[row, col-1]
          self[row, col-1].h_words.each do | word, index | cell.h_words <<
[word, index + 1]; word.h_word_length = index + 2 end

    def initialize(file)
      @lines = file.read.split("\n").map{ |line| line.scan(/[_X]/).map{|cell|
cell == '_' ? Cell.new : nil} }
      # Number Cells

    def (row, col)
      return @lines[row][col] if 0 <= row and 0 <= col and row < height and col
< width
      return nil

    def width() @lines[0].length end
    def height() @lines.length end

    def each_with_index
      @lines.each_with_index do | line, row | line.each_with_index do | cell,
col | yield cell, [row, col] end end

    def filter
      result = Filter.new
      each_with_index do | cell, (row, col) |
        next unless cell

        result.add_length_constraint(2 * cell.number, cell.h_word_length) if
        result.add_length_constraint(2 * cell.number + 1, cell.v_word_length)
if cell.v_word_length

        cell.h_words.each do | cell1, index1 |
          cell.v_words.each do | cell2, index2 |
              result.add_constraint(2 * cell1.number, index1, 2 * cell2.number
+ 1, index2)

  def generate_(filter, wordlist, indices, &block)
    (block.call(filter); return true) if indices.empty?
    index = indices[0]
    filter.matching_words(index).each do | word |
      filter.set_word(index, word)
      generate_(filter, wordlist, indices[1..-1], &block)
  def generate(layout, wordlist = Wordlist.new, &block)
    filter = layout.filter
    filter.wordlist = wordlist
    word_indices = filter.words.keys.sort
    generate_(filter, wordlist, word_indices, &block)

require 'crossword'
include CrosswordGenerator
data = ARGV[0] ? File.new(ARGV[0]) : DATA
generator = GeneratorLayout.new(data.dup)
layout = Crossword::Layout.new(data.dup)
puts layout
generate(generator) do | filter |
  puts "Solution:", filter.words.sort.map{ |i, w| "#{i / 2}#{i % 2 == 0 ? 'v' :
'h'}: #{w}"}.join("\n")

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On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 05:47:52 +0900 Brian Schröder <ruby@brian-schroeder.de> wrote:

Here is my version. Nothing special, just a few branches and thats it. Only
thing worth mentioning may be, that I only draw lines to the left, top, and
the edge at the top-left of each cell to avoid drawing double lines.

Everything in a highlighted version is at:

Brian Schröder

trans. (T. Onoma) schrieb:

Very intersting approach, Capitain.

Please call me by my first name, Pit. Otherwise it interferes with the feeling of being among friends at ruby-talk :slight_smile:

In general a 2d "Sheet of Paper" String would be a useful class in general. I'd like to take your beginnings of such and build a dedicated class. Are you interested?

Go ahead and take what you need. I fear I don't have enough time and - to be honest - interest to build and maintain a full featured class. But I'd be glad to answer questions in case you have any.


This is a wonderful test file.

Did you try your program with it? It doesn't quite get it right, though it's very close. :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 5, 2004, at 8:21 AM, Jamis Buck wrote:

I've also attached a sample input file. :slight_smile:

My mistake. It does get it 100% right. I read the layout wrong.

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 8, 2004, at 12:57 PM, James Edward Gray II wrote:

On Dec 5, 2004, at 8:21 AM, Jamis Buck wrote:

I've also attached a sample input file. :slight_smile:

This is a wonderful test file.

Did you try your program with it? It doesn't quite get it right, though it's very close. :wink:

>>I've also attached a sample input file. :slight_smile:
>This is a wonderful test file.
>Did you try your program with it? It doesn't quite get it right,
>though it's very close. :wink:

My mistake. It does get it 100% right. I read the layout wrong.

Gah. Thanks for the heart-attack, James. :slight_smile: I was pretty sure I'd
tested it--glad to hear that it works correctly after all.

- Jamis


On 04:03 Thu 09 Dec , James Edward Gray II wrote:

On Dec 8, 2004, at 12:57 PM, James Edward Gray II wrote:
>On Dec 5, 2004, at 8:21 AM, Jamis Buck wrote:

James Edward Gray II

Jamis Buck