[QUIZ] crossword.rb (#10)

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!



#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class Square
  @@count = 1
  def initialize( holds_letter = false )
    @holds_letter = holds_letter
    @edge = false
  attr_reader :holds_letter
  attr_accessor :edge
  def render( row, top, left, right, bottom )
    if @holds_letter
      number = ""
      if (top.nil? or not top.holds_letter) and
         (bottom and bottom.holds_letter)
        number = @@count.to_s
        @@count += 1
      elsif (left.nil? or not left.holds_letter) and
          (right and right.holds_letter)
        number = @@count.to_s
        @@count += 1
      if top.nil? and left.nil?
        row[0] << "######"
        row[1] << sprintf("#%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << "# #"
        row[3] << "######"
      elsif top.nil?
        row[0] << "#####"
        row[1] << sprintf("%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << " #"
        row[3] << "#####"
      elsif left.nil?
        row[1] << sprintf("#%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << "# #"
        row[3] << "######"
        row[1] << sprintf("%-4s#", number)
        row[2] << " #"
        row[3] << "#####"
      if @edge
        if top.nil? and left.nil?
          row[0] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        elsif top.nil?
          row[0] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        elsif left.nil?
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
          row[1] << " "
          row[2] << " "
          row[3] << " "
        if right and not right.edge
          row.each { |e| e.sub!(/ $/, "#") }
        if left and not left.edge
          row.each { |e| e.sub!(/ (.{5})$/, '#\1') }
        if top and not top.edge
          row[0].sub!(/ +(#?)$/) do |m|
            "#" * (m.length - $1.length) + $1
        if bottom and not bottom.edge
          row[3].sub!(/ +(#?)$/) do |m|
            "#" * (m.length - $1.length) + $1
        if top.nil? and left.nil?
          row[0] << "######"
          row[1] << "######"
          row[2] << "######"
          row[3] << "######"
        elsif top.nil?
          row[0] << "#####"
          row[1] << "#####"
          row[2] << "#####"
          row[3] << "#####"
        elsif left.nil?
          row[1] << "######"
          row[2] << "######"
          row[3] << "######"
          row[1] << "#####"
          row[2] << "#####"
          row[3] << "#####"

board = [ ]
while line = ARGF.gets
  board << [ ]
  line.chomp.delete(" ").each_byte do |c|
    if c == ?X
      board[-1] << Square.new
      board[-1] << Square.new(true)

loop do
  changed = false
  board.each_with_index do |row, y|
    row.each_with_index do |cell, x|
      next if cell.holds_letter or cell.edge
      if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == board[0].size - 1 or y == board.size - 1
        cell.edge = true
        changed = true
      top = board[y - 1][x]
      left = board[y][x - 1]
      right = board[y][x + 1]
      bottom = board[y + 1][x]
      if (top and top.edge) or (left and left.edge) or
         (right and right.edge) or (bottom and bottom.edge)
        cell.edge = true
        changed = true
  break if not changed

board.each_with_index do |row, y|
  drawn_row = ["", "", "", ""]
  row.each_with_index do |cell, x|
    top = y == 0 ? nil : board[y - 1][x]
    left = x == 0 ? nil : board[y][x - 1]
    right = x == board[0].size - 1 ? nil : board[y][x + 1]
    bottom = y == board.size - 1 ? nil : board[y + 1][x]
    cell.render drawn_row, top, left, right, bottom
  drawn_row.each { |e| puts e if e.length > 0 }

Wow, I'm full of mistakes this week, aren't I?! Egad! I promise to get more sleep very soon. Actual quiz coming up very soon now...

Sorry everyone.

James Edward Gray II


On Dec 3, 2004, at 7:50 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:

Gray Soft / Not Found

3. Enjoy!


Is the question in this quiz "Figure out what the quiz is about?"

I don't want to ask "wtf" if answers would be spoilers :slight_smile:


On Dec 3, 2004, at 6:50 AM, Ruby Quiz wrote:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.