Hi, all…
Just a quick mooch of the group’s bandwidth to say how much I’m enjoying it
here. One of the liveliest (and most courteous) ng’s I’ve visited in
I just discovered Ruby about two weeks ago, and haven’t really had the
chance yet to spend more than a couple of hours with it.
I have all kinds of questions, the answers to most of which are no-doubt in
the docs So I’m going to mostly shut up, read, work the examples, and
listen carefully for awhile. I’m very light in functional language theory,
and what I did once understand of it is pretty well rusted out, so I may
privately interrupt one or the other of you occasionally with questions.
I did want to mention that, after a few years of working in the Java world,
I’ve (perhaps) temporarily changed careers, in order to forestall terminal
burnout. I’ve demoted software dev stuff to the status of “hobby” for a year
or so, in order to relax and update my skillset.
I was feeling terribly self-conscious among my peers because I knew not a
lick of Perl. Now, suddenly, with the discovery of this elegant language, I
don’t feel quite so much like I’ve missed ground that I need to go back and
My sincere respects to Ruby’s designer. His most significant contribution
to me at the moment: I’m having fun again!
Regards to all,
- dan