I'm to give short talk on ruby at work, anybody have material/outlines they can donate/

Thanks all for your many useful suggestions.

I realized how much work it would be to do a good presentation, so I
just punted, talked for half an hour about why I was learning ruby, and
tried to give enough of a feel for the language people could see what
was neat.

Went OK, I’m told.

Thanks, again, for all the help.


Quoteing sroberts@uniserve.com, on Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 08:20:46AM +0900:


I’m not expected to be a ruby expert, its just part of a series of
“here’s a cool thing, this is what I know so far” talks. I’m planning on
talking about

  • why I started to be interested in ruby
  • quick overview of the lang, some comparisons to perl and lisp
  • what kind of things I’m doing

Just 30 min and some questions.

Anybody done something like this before and has some suggestions? A 10
minute syntax review outline?
