#you could download rails gem and its dependencies, then
#install them locally.
#gem install --local --include-dependencies rails
just a quick followup:
on my pc here (internet connected), i have already remotely installed rails (among other gems too). I found out that the gems are cached in my folder (windows xp pc) "c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\cache". Do i need to copy only those?
I do not want to download the gems again in rubyforge, so i'm asking.
#ps. You better join rails maillist, there are so many helpful
#developers there ..
i'm joining now. i'll better jackup my quota now
thanks and kind regards -botp
Arie Kusuma Atmaja [mailto:ruby.arie@gmail.com] wrote:
#kind regard,
#<%= Arie %> | http://blog.riyari.com | Y!: riyari3
#email: ariekusumaatmaja_at_gmail_dot_com