OSCON - time to sign up!


The date for signing up for OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, is rapidly approaching. Early-bird registration ends June 18th.

This year there's a wonderful Ruby track, taking up a full day:


On top of that, it's a great conference: a whole bunch of very smart people and a lot of leading edge stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it last year, and I'd recommend it to anyone who can make it.

You can sign up at




In article <D241E8E4-B832-11D8-94AB-000A95676A62@pragprog.com>,


The date for signing up for OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source Convention,
is rapidly approaching. Early-bird registration ends June 18th.

This year there's a wonderful Ruby track, taking up a full day:

   Conferences - O'Reilly Media

On top of that, it's a great conference: a whole bunch of very smart
people and a lot of leading edge stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it last
year, and I'd recommend it to anyone who can make it.

You can sign up at

Conferences - O'Reilly Media

In addtion, The Portland Rubyists will set up a Thursday evening outing
to a local pub/restaurant for both visiting and local Rubyists. I'm thinking
Thursday would be best because that's the day of the Ruby track talks
(hence more out-of-town Rubyists would likely be around) - so keep the
evening of July 29th open if possible.

Dave - are you coming to OSCON?



Dave Thomas <dave@pragprog.com> wrote: