OSCON - time to sign up!

Dave Thomas [mailto:dave@pragprog.com] announced:

The date for signing up for OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source
is rapidly approaching. Early-bird registration ends June 18th.

This year there's a wonderful Ruby track, taking up a full day:

    Conferences - O'Reilly Media

On top of that, it's a great conference: a whole bunch of very smart
people and a lot of leading edge stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it last
year, and I'd recommend it to anyone who can make it.

You can sign up at

Conferences - O'Reilly Media

I cannot join for simple economic reasons. I just hope someone could provide
e-version of the conference for lonely people like us here down south of the

Btw, the ruby to flash bridge, I did not know that was possible. Cool
Richard. Richard, do you have a page for this?



kind regards -botp

Dave Thomas [mailto:dave@pragprog.com] announced:

The date for signing up for OSCON, the O'Reilly Open Source
is rapidly approaching. Early-bird registration ends June 18th.

This year there's a wonderful Ruby track, taking up a full day:

    Conferences - O'Reilly Media

On top of that, it's a great conference: a whole bunch of very smart
people and a lot of leading edge stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it last
year, and I'd recommend it to anyone who can make it.

You can sign up at

Conferences - O'Reilly Media

I cannot join for simple economic reasons. I just hope someone could provide
e-version of the conference for lonely people like us here down south of the

Btw, the ruby to flash bridge, I did not know that was possible. Cool
Richard. Richard, do you have a page for this?

I will be working diligently on this...yes...it is possible and very spiffy

I have promised this for a while, but have been distracted with other Ruby
development (http://semitar.projects.semwebcentral.org).



On 6/6/04 11:46 PM, "Peña, Botp" <botp@delmonte-phil.com> wrote:



kind regards -botp