Last (more or less) call for Google Summer of Code mentors!

Hi --

As you know, Ruby Central is participating this year as a Google
Summer of Code mentoring organization. We've already got a number of
mentors signed up, and are looking forward to getting student

The student applications start coming in on May 1, and the ranking
starts on May 8, so if you want to be a mentor and haven't applied
yet, please let me know and I'll give you the URL to go to. (Google
is trying to minimize publication of the URL to avoid spamming.)

You have to sign up at Google (and be accepted by Ruby Central) to be
a mentor, and you have to get the URL to do so, so please let me know
if you're interested.

Thanks --



David A. Black (
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

"Ruby for Rails" PDF now on sale!
Paper version coming in early May!


Please send me the URL. I'm interested in being a mentor.




On 4/27/06, <> wrote:

Hi --

As you know, Ruby Central is participating this year as a Google
Summer of Code mentoring organization. We've already got a number of
mentors signed up, and are looking forward to getting student

The student applications start coming in on May 1, and the ranking
starts on May 8, so if you want to be a mentor and haven't applied
yet, please let me know and I'll give you the URL to go to. (Google
is trying to minimize publication of the URL to avoid spamming.)

You have to sign up at Google (and be accepted by Ruby Central) to be
a mentor, and you have to get the URL to do so, so please let me know
if you're interested.

Thanks --


David A. Black (
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

"Ruby for Rails" PDF now on sale! Ruby for Rails
Paper version coming in early May!

David Pollak's Ruby Playground