In article <Pine.LNX.4.61.0506020611530.15008@wobblini>,
>Hi --
>There's a big buzz about the Google Summer of Code program
>(\), and I thought I'd post an
>update (not an encouraging one) here, with regard to Ruby Central,
>I had hoped that this post would be a call for mentors for the Summer
>of Code program. Unfortunately, as of this morning they appear to
>have shut the door on further mentoring organzations. The information
>on the website is contradictory, and I have written to them asking for
>clarification and help. But if the worst is true (the "No" in the
>FAQ, as opposed to the "It's not too late" in the overview), then Ruby
>Central is out in the cold.
>I will keep you posted. Meanwhile, any students who want to apply
>should, I'm sorry to say, probably look for another mentoring
>organization. I wish it were otherwise, but most of all I do not want
>to see anyone's application held up or sidetracked because of these
I'm not sure why Google was in such a hurry. They just
announced this program on May 31st. It would have been much better if
they had announced it a month or two earlier to give the
'mentoring organizations' time to respond and set up the needed
infrastructure, etc. It would have also given the 'students' more time
to plan and make proposals as well.
From their FAQ:
"What kind of deadlines are associated with the Summer of Code?
May 31st: Announce on and open application process
June 1st: Last Day new Organizations will be listed on
One day?! What gives? This all has a smell of a last-minute, hastily
planned project. Hopefully next year they'll give better advance
To me, it sounds like the pre-selected the mentors, but forgot to
change the text on their site.
On the bright side, it did inspire me to make a donation to
RubyCentral for all of their hard work, and for them coming to bat and
trying to get Ruby into the Summer of Code program.
If enough others do that, we can have our own Summer of Code 
On 6/2/05, Phil Tomson <> wrote:
David A. Black <> wrote:
Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)