Hi --
I've just (20 minutes ago) returned from Canada on Rails (plus a
couple of days of just Canada), and happy to see a Summer of Code
In the next day or two I'm going to set up a roadmap for Ruby
Central's Summer of Code involvement. Basically, we're going to need
mentors and project ideas, to start with -- and it looks like we're
getting them! I will definitely go back and glean everything and
everyone who has expressed interest on this list, and start to collect
Mentors have to apply through the Summer of Code site itself
(http://code.google.com/soc/), and check off Ruby Central as the (or
one of the) organizations you're interested in mentoring for. See the
SOC site for more details and guidelines.
That's a start; more to follow!
David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net)
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
"Ruby for Rails" PDF now on sale! http://www.manning.com/black
Paper version coming in early May!
I would be interested in mentoring, and have a suggestion for a
project that would benefit the Ruby community, but I will be in Europe
and mostly away from the Internet for most of July, so will need a
The idea? Pure Ruby libmagic support for MIME::Types.
On 4/17/06, dblack@wobblini.net <dblack@wobblini.net> wrote:
I've just (20 minutes ago) returned from Canada on Rails (plus a
couple of days of just Canada), and happy to see a Summer of Code
Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
* Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca
I've looked for the application on that site and I guess I am dumb today, but I don't see it. The FAQ mentions that it is available from the front page, but I'm still missing it. Can someone throw me a clue over here?
James Edward Gray II
On Apr 17, 2006, at 10:43 PM, dblack@wobblini.net wrote:
Mentors have to apply through the Summer of Code site itself
(http://code.google.com/soc/\), and check off Ruby Central as the (or
one of the) organizations you're interested in mentoring for. See the
SOC site for more details and guidelines.
In the next day or two I'm going to set up a roadmap for Ruby
Central's Summer of Code involvement. Basically, we're going to need
mentors and project ideas, to start with -- and it looks like we're
getting them! I will definitely go back and glean everything and
everyone who has expressed interest on this list, and start to collect
One project I'd recommend, in case any more ideas are needed, is a python-grade email parsing library. At work, we do a lot of work with email handling, so I just can't get away from python. At a bare minimum, an email parsing library should be able to decode all the email encodings (base64, quoted-printable, etc), and convert the encoded header information (the way that unicode headers are converted into ascii) into their native formats. Other goodies, such as being able to read an mmap'd email rather than a string would be really nice 
but I will be in Europe
Well, this is not necessarily a problem, e.g. i am studying at the
Vienna University of Technology (i.e. Europe
and i don't think so i
am alone with that (i.e. living/studying in Europe)
I've looked for the application on that site and I guess I am dumb
today, but I don't see it. The FAQ mentions that it is available
from the front page, but I'm still missing it. Can someone throw me
a clue over here?
There's no mention of it on the Mentor FAQ, but the Student FAQ says
the application process will start May 1, 2006. It's probably the same
for mentors...
Somewhat related to this, I think it is entirely too hard to send
emails in Ruby. If you have a big Rails app and all that comes with
that you can use ActiveMailer, but from what I could see it was too
much for just a small app. Here is some idea of what I would like:
require 'email'
Email.send(:to=>'yoohoo@somewhere.com', :from=>'me@here.com',
subject=>'Hi there buddy', msg=>'How are you doing?')
This should try its best to just work, but if necessary there could be
a YAML file in the HOMEDIR specifying the MTA to use, etc.
If there is already something like this which I have missed, please
let me know. Or maybe ActiveMailer could be made easier to use
On 4/18/06, tsuraan@tsuraan.net <tsuraan@tsuraan.net> wrote:
One project I'd recommend, in case any more ideas are needed, is a
python-grade email parsing library. At work, we do a lot of work with
email handling, so I just can't get away from python. At a bare
minimum, an email parsing library should be able to decode all the
email encodings (base64, quoted-printable, etc), and convert the
encoded header information (the way that unicode headers are converted
into ascii) into their native formats. Other goodies, such as being
able to read an mmap'd email rather than a string would be really nice

Yes, but I normally live in Toronto. To rephrase: I am vacationing
with my fiancee and will be off the Internet for (on average) five out
of every seven days of the trip.
On 4/18/06, Peter Szinek <peter@rt.sk> wrote:
but I will be in Europe
Well, this is not necessarily a problem, e.g. i am studying at the
Vienna University of Technology (i.e. Europe
and i don't think so i
am alone with that (i.e. living/studying in Europe)
Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
* Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca
From the mentor FAQ:
10. I'm a developer and I'd like to mentor a student. How do I sign up?
Please submit your application to mentor for your organization using the Summer of Code online application system. The program administrators for your mentor organization will notify you of acceptance or rejection after receiving your application.
And then from the overall FAQ:
41. What is the timeline for Summer of Code 2006?
April 11, 2006:
- Application period open for mentoring organizations; administrators may begin submitting applications for their orgs
- Organization administrators should begin taking mentor signups once the org has been accepted by Google
Those two led me astray I guess.
I do see multiple mentions of May 1st though so I'm sure you are right. I'll check back then...
James Edward Gray II
On Apr 18, 2006, at 8:05 AM, Vincent Isambart wrote:
I've looked for the application on that site and I guess I am dumb
today, but I don't see it. The FAQ mentions that it is available
from the front page, but I'm still missing it. Can someone throw me
a clue over here?
There's no mention of it on the Mentor FAQ
Ryan Leavengood wrote:
One project I'd recommend, in case any more ideas are needed, is a
python-grade email parsing library. At work, we do a lot of work with
email handling, so I just can't get away from python. At a bare
minimum, an email parsing library should be able to decode all the
email encodings (base64, quoted-printable, etc), and convert the
encoded header information (the way that unicode headers are converted
into ascii) into their native formats. Other goodies, such as being
able to read an mmap'd email rather than a string would be really nice

Somewhat related to this, I think it is entirely too hard to send
emails in Ruby. If you have a big Rails app and all that comes with
that you can use ActiveMailer, but from what I could see it was too
much for just a small app. Here is some idea of what I would like:
require 'email'
Email.send(:to=>'yoohoo@somewhere.com', :from=>'me@here.com',
subject=>'Hi there buddy', msg=>'How are you doing?')
That looks like the code I use to tell me when my arm of mutant robots has located a decent DVD listing on the local library Web site.
Basic mail sending really is that simple. Aside from setting the MTA domain and mail headers, there's not much to it. (I believe I've posted my code to this list within the last month or so, too.)
Sending mail over SSL is, I think, a different matter. But I've not had to do much to get basic mail sent out from an application.
On 4/18/06, tsuraan@tsuraan.net <tsuraan@tsuraan.net> wrote:
James Britt
"In Ruby, no one cares who your parents were, all they care
about is if you know what you are talking about."
- Logan Capaldo
Yes, but I normally live in Toronto. To rephrase: I am vacationing
with my fiancee and will be off the Internet for (on average) five out
of every seven days of the trip.
ok next time i will google first, and ask dumb questions later 
Yes. What you show above could be implemented as a very simple wrapper around
tmail. It would only save a handful of lines, though, over just using tmail
directly and passing the tmail object to something like this for sending:
def send_mail(mail)
Net::SMTP.start('smtp.myserver.com', 25, Socket.gethostname) {|smtp|
smtp.send_message(mail.encoded, mail.from, mail.to)
Kirk Haines
On Tuesday 18 April 2006 2:40 pm, James Britt wrote:
> Email.send(:to=>'yoohoo@somewhere.com', :from=>'me@here.com',
> subject=>'Hi there buddy', msg=>'How are you doing?')
That looks like the code I use to tell me when my arm of mutant robots
has located a decent DVD listing on the local library Web site.
Basic mail sending really is that simple. Aside from setting the MTA
domain and mail headers, there's not much to it. (I believe I've posted
my code to this list within the last month or so, too.)