Hi Ara !
Many thanks for the info below.
Unfortunately I'm not in the position to use extra packages
(Sorry, I should have mentioned this in the posting),
and my Ruby machine answers:./fork_timeout.rb:7:in `fork': The fork() function is unimplemented on this
machine (NotImplementedError)
from ./fork_timeout.rb:7:in `timeout'
from ...Right at time I try to implement Robert's suggestion
of popen and parallel Threads, but I got stuck, somehow.
perhaps something like this is what robert was suggesting, try some windows
specific commands with it:
~ > cat popen_timeout.rb module PopenTimeout
class TimeoutError < StandardError; end
def timeout n_sec, cmd
t =
Thread.new(cmd) do |cmd|
pipe = IO::popen(cmd)
stdout = pipe.read
status = $?.exitstatus
[stdout, status]
sleep n_sec
case t.status
when NilClass
raise t.value
when FalseClass
return t.value
raise TimeoutError, "<#{ n_sec }>"
module_function 'timeout'
public 'timeout'
if $0 == __FILE__
stdout, status =
PopenTimeout::timeout(2, 'sleep 1 && echo 42')
puts stdout
puts status
stdout, status =
PopenTimeout::timeout(1, 'sleep 2 && echo 42')
Maybe I have to find a completely different solution,
e.g. passing control of time behaviour into called functionality.
So it will return at all means, either regularly or 'killing' itself.Many thanks (I could learn a lot) and best regards from Vienna
ChrisPS: What (kind of) organization is "noaa.gov" ?
national oceananic and atmouspheric administration, check out
Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
to see what i do. we work with satelite imagery showing the nighttime lights
of earth from space like
PPS: I like 'your' Dogen quotation !
thanks - it's a constant reminder to myself to take things in stride.
you are in germany? what's the programming market like there? we are
thinking of moving!
On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Neubauer Christoph wrote:
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen