it's nearly impossible to do this on windows reliably. this are just too many failure conditions, for instance say the child program does
gb = 2 ** 30
huge = '*' * gb
STDOUT.write huge
and the parent does
buf = child.gets
both processes will hang. the child because it fills the pipe, the parent because it never sees a newline. you'd think this could be solved by using timeout, but it cannot (on windows) because ruby's threads schedule with select and therefore many/most io operations will block the scheduler - causing a hang.
there is some hope for using socketpair and a tcp server in a cross platoform manner, rough idea here:
but this doesn't address issues like stderr or zombie processes.
anyhow, i'm not saying it *can't* be done on windows, but it's very non-trival to combine pipes, timeout, and process management in a robust fashion.
one idea might be to launch and external process to signal yourself before reading, something like this:
signaler = do
system "ruby -e' sleep 10; Process.kill(:HUP.to_s, #{ })"
rescue SignalException
however signals are very limited on windows and i've no idea if even the signal handlers would fire once a process is blocked - worth trying though... it's definitely going to take something creative on your end. one other thought is to spawn and external reaper before reading, one which would kill the external exe for you
reaper =
system "ruby -e' sleep 10; Process.kill -9, #{ }'"
and then, in the parent arrange to schedule this before each read, and kill it afterwards...
i'd be interested to hear other's thoughts on the issue (dan berger in the house?) as i'm no windows expert.
a @
On Jun 16, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Ema Fuma wrote:
I'm under Windows but I would like to use the same script on Linux.
Basically it's just
-launch an external executable that write it's progress on stdout
-parse the stdout line by line
-if there's no new line for more than 10 sec close the external exe
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama