How to timeout a system call


I would like to stop a system call after a timeout, but doing so with
the Timeout library does not kill the process, and the process keeps
running. I think the problem is the system call does a Process.fork and
no way to kill it, no matter if the Thread is stoped.

Is there any way to kill the process? May be getting its pid?




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Jordi Planes wrote:


I would like to stop a system call after a timeout, but doing so with
the Timeout library does not kill the process, and the process keeps
running. I think the problem is the system call does a Process.fork and
no way to kill it, no matter if the Thread is stoped.

Is there any way to kill the process? May be getting its pid?



I finally come up with my own timeout, using Process instead of Thread.
In case somebody is interested, here it is:

module Timeout

  class Error<Interrupt

  def timeout( sec, exception=Error )
    return yield if sec == nil or
    pid_execution = Process.fork { begin yield ensure exit! end }
    pid_sleep = Process.fork { begin sleep sec ensure exit! end }
    if Process.wait == pid_sleep then
      Process.kill( 'INT', pid_execution )
      raise exception, "execution expired"
      Process.kill( 'ALRM', pid_sleep )

  module_function :system_call, :timeout



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This is even nicer:

Good job Jonathan!

Jordi Planes wrote:


Jordi Planes wrote:


I would like to stop a system call after a timeout, but doing so with
the Timeout library does not kill the process, and the process keeps
running. I think the problem is the system call does a Process.fork and
no way to kill it, no matter if the Thread is stoped.

Is there any way to kill the process? May be getting its pid?



I finally come up with my own timeout, using Process instead of Thread.
In case somebody is interested, here it is:

module Timeout

  class Error<Interrupt

  def timeout( sec, exception=Error )
    return yield if sec == nil or
    pid_execution = Process.fork { begin yield ensure exit! end }
    pid_sleep = Process.fork { begin sleep sec ensure exit! end }
    if Process.wait == pid_sleep then
      Process.kill( 'INT', pid_execution )
      raise exception, "execution expired"
      Process.kill( 'ALRM', pid_sleep )

  module_function :system_call, :timeout


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