I’ve cut down a larger program to this test case that shows a problem on
windows. When I run this on my Linux box, I get an application window with
some colored boxes and the string "Hi There, (I’m on my way, I’m making
it) in it. When I run this same program on my Windows box, I get Zip,
nada, at first a gray window, then a transparent one if I minimize
thenmaximize the window. Some debugging statements show that onPaint is
getting called. Can anyone tell me what the problem is here? I know that
this sort of coding works because in my larger application, something
gets drawn to the screen on my windows box, certainly not everything that
is supposed to be drawn to it though, and on my Linux box, everything
works just peachy. The problem box is an older Compaq Armada laptop with
around 48 megs of memory running Windows 95, and the latest Ruby 1.6.8
installed from the sourceforge site that the Pragmatic Programmers so
kindly provide. Regular Widgets get drawn fine, but only the first part of
one canvas is ever drawn, and that is it, although the rest of the program
runs fine, I can tell because the other widgets (buttons, spinners,
labels, etc. ) are updated properly.
Here is the program:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fox’
require 'fox/colors’
include Fox
class DcProb < FXMainWindow
def initialize(app)
super(app, “Show Drawing Context Problem”, nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0,
400, 300) @canvas = FXCanvas.new(self, nil, 0 , (FRAME_SUNKEN|
00) @canvas.connect(SEL_PAINT, method(:onPaint))
@image = FXImage.new(app, nil, IMAGE_SHMI|IMAGE_SHMP)
@font= FXFont.new(app, “arial”, 12, FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
def create
@canvasWidth = @canvas.getWidth
@canvasHeight = @canvas.getHeight
@image.resize( @canvasWidth, @canvasHeight )
@sdc = FXDCWindow.new( @canvas )
@idc = FXDCWindow.new( @image )
@idc.setForeground( FXColor::White )
@idc.fillRectangle( 0,0, @canvasWidth, @canvasHeight )
step = 5
0.step(50, step ) { |y|
0.step(50, step ) { |x|
@idc.setForeground(FXRGB( rand(255), rand(255), rand(255)))
@idc.fillRectangle( x,y, x+@canvasHeight, y+@canvasWidth )
@idc.fillRectangle( 50,50, @canvasWidth, @canvasHeight )
@idc.setTextFont( @font )
@idc.drawText( 60,80, "Hi There, (I'm on my way I'm making it!)")
def onPaint( sender, sel, event )
@sdc.drawImage( @image, 0,0 )
if FILE == $0
application = FXApp.new(“DcProb”, “zepeda-zone.net”)
“Daniel P. Zepeda” <daniel@z,e,p,e,d,a,-,z,o,n,e.net>
(Remove commas for address)