fxRuby- text on canvas and fonts generating errors

I have a ruby program that uses FXRuby. I have created a canvas widget,
and I can draw lines, rectangles and elipses, but if I try to draw
text, I get the bizzare error shown below. I also get this error if I
try to assign a FXfont to the canvas. I think I might be using the font
incorrectly. Please help. Thanks.

The error is:
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Exit code: 3

This is the sample code that is a greatly reduced version of my code
that still exhibits the problem. If Either line 58 or 59 is uncommented
the error occurs.

#/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fox14'
require 'fox14/colors'
include Fox

class PlotterWindow < FXMainWindow
  def initialize(app)
    # Invoke base class initialize first
    super(app, "Plotter", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 500, 700)
    @color4 = FXColor::LightBlue1
    @color5 = FXColor::Blue
    @font = FXFont.new(app,"times",14)
    dumpFontDesc("Initial Font",@font.getFontDesc)
    #@font.setFont("courier, 140")

    # Dialogs for later use
    colorDialog = FXColorDialog.new(self, "Color Dialog")
    # Create a font dialog for later use
    @fontDialog = FXFontDialog.new(self, "Axis Font Dialog")
    # Create a tooltip so we get tool tips for things in this window
    statusbar = FXStatusBar.new(self,

    @rightFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new(self,
    colorButton = FXButton.new(@rightFrame,
      "&Colors\tOpen Color Dialog\tOpen a dialog for selecting colors",
      nil, colorDialog, FXWindow::ID_SHOW,
0, 70, 30)
    fontButton = FXButton.new(@rightFrame,
      "&Axes\nFont\tChoose Axis Font\tSelect a font for the Axis
      nil, @fontDialog, FXWindow::ID_SHOW,
70, 30)
    quitButton = FXButton.new(@rightFrame,
      "&Quit\tExit the Program\tTerminate Ruby Plot Program",
      nil, nil, 0,
70, 30)
    quitButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) {

    canvasFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new(self,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0)
    @canvas = FXCanvas.new(canvasFrame, nil, 0,
    @canvas.connect(SEL_PAINT) do |sender, sel, event|
      FXDCWindow.new(@canvas, event) do |dc|
        @canvas.backColor = @color4
        dc.foreground = @canvas.backColor
        dc.fillRectangle(event.rect.x, event.rect.y, event.rect.w,
        dc.foreground = @color5
      #dc.setFont(@font) #this generates an error
      #dc.drawText(100,100,"test") #this generates an error

  def dumpFontDesc(lab,fd)
    print "fontDesc #{lab} = #{fd.inspect}\n"
    print "#{fd.face}, #{fd.size},#{fd.weight},"
    print "#{fd.slant}, #{fd.setwidth},#{fd.encoding},"
    print "#{fd.flags}\n\n"

def create

if __FILE__ == $0
  # Construct an application
  application = FXApp.new("Button", "FoxTest")

  # Construct the main window

  # Create the application

  # Run it