Football.db - European Champions League 2015/16 Fixtures - try $ sportdb new cl2015-16


  The plain text football fixtures (datasets) for leagues, teams,
match schedules, and more that you can read with the sportdb gem (that
also incl. a command line tool) into your SQL database of choice (e.g.
SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.) now includes the European (UEFA) Champions
League 2015/16 [1].

   Try using the cl2015_16.rb [2] Datafile that reads:

  world 'world.db', setup: 'countries'

  football 'clubs'
  football 'at-austria', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'de-deutschland', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'eng-england', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'es-espana', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'it-italy', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'fr-france', setup: 'clubs'
  football 'ch-confoederatio-helvetica', setup: 'clubs'

  football 'europe-champions-league', setup: '2015-16'

   to (download and) build yourself a copy e.g.:

     $ sportdb new cl2015-16

  All data, code and starter kits public domain. Enjoy. Cheers.
