I've extracted all football fixtures from the sport.db into its own
database, that is, football.db[1]. Use the sportdb Ruby gem[2] to
setup your database e.g.
sportdb setup --include ../football.db --worldinclude ../world.db
or use the sportdb ActiveRecord models e.g.
>> euro12 = Event.find_by_key( 'euro.2012' )
>> euro12.teams
>> euro12.games
>> manu = Team.find_by_key( 'manunited' )
>> manu.games
>> manu.events
Events include the Champions League 2012/13[3], World Cup Quali[4],
Bundesliga[5], and others. Add yours. Cheers.
PS: Note, all football fixtures are now plain text (and, thus,
reuseable in any programming language).
[1] https://github.com/geraldb/football.db
[3] http://sportdbdemo.herokuapp.com/cl.2012_13
[4] http://sportdbdemo.herokuapp.com/world.quali.europe.2014