At the moment we're searching about 300 blogs, around
5000 ruby projects (all of rubyforge plus others) and
the ruby-lang mailing list.
We know there is a lot more out there that we haven't scratched(or scraped)
in particular we're looking for mailing-lists.
Yup, and basically any listing of ruby-related documents (or anything) which you think would make sense to search. Blogs, projects, reviews, articles, ideas, simply anything.
At the moment we're searching about 300 blogs, around
5000 ruby projects (all of rubyforge plus others) and
the ruby-lang mailing list.
We know there is a lot more out there that we haven't scratched(or scraped)
in particular we're looking for mailing-lists.
If your project has a mailing list <strong>I'd really like to know about
If anyone knows a central repository of all or even some ruby project
mailing lists I'd be interested to know about that as well.
Have you done a search on for the "ruby" tag? I assume you're using some automated tools to eliminate duplications, so a blind search of might only turn up a few new ones.
At the moment we're searching about 300 blogs, around 5000 ruby
projects (all of rubyforge plus others) and the ruby-lang mailing
Is there a reason why neither
nor are included?
Well, sometimes it is the easiest to miss the obvious.
It is not included simply because - as dumb as this may sound - we forgot about it.
This also illustrates that we really need your help to locate all the relevant sites, no matter how commonsense they look to you. I think you need no more trivial ruby page than ruby-lang, yet we missed it.
This is exactly what I've been looking for. How did I miss it?
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, its been fixed.
All of the rubyforge mailing lists are now floating around the sink.
I've activated another refinement to the sink named "mailing-lists" so
by clicking that link after searching for an item you will be magically
to "LIST LAND" where all your dreams of searching thousands of mailing lists
simultaneously come true.
On 2/4/07, _why <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 11:34:23PM +0900, Alex Combas wrote:
> If your project has a mailing list <strong>I'd really like to know about
> it</strong>.
From using it a bit, I noticed that search relevancy is very low.
Could you elaborate a bit more please? Low compared by which measure or compared to what? I am not questioning your claim or nitpicking, just would like to know your opinion to improve the results, so please try to describe the problem in a bit more detailed way.
Most first pages on anything list almost exclusively linux sites.
Which search terms did you use? Could you list a few please?
Perhaps making sure the word "ruby" is part of every search? Is that at all
possible with the tool?
Yep, it is possible. However, the point is that there are *only* ruby sources searched - so if you feel that the result pages you got back are non-ruby, irrelevant or otherwise wrong, please let us know (by providing the wrong URLs if possible) so we can fledge out the problem and improve the sink!
Is there a reason why neither
nor are included?
Well, sometimes it is the easiest to miss the obvious.
This also illustrates that we really need your help to locate all
the relevant sites, no matter how commonsense they look to you.
For whomever whants to help: a good idea is, from time to time, to
repeat a Kitchen Sink search on Google proper and see whether any
relevant results are not suspiciously missing on the Sink.
For an automated solution (if you have the logs), maybe take the
top X Kitchen Sink searches (top ten per day?), run them through
Google with ruby appended to the query, and compare the results?
-- Shot
Mozart tells us what it's like to be human, Beethoven
tells us what it's like to be Beethoven and Bach tells
us what it's like to be the universe. -- Douglas Adams
Avdi, this is fantastic thanks for mentioning it. I dont have any experience
with creating
these myself so you're guess at this point is probably better than mine.
Is there any info I can give you that will help?
Tonights actually my wifes birthday (sshhh.. dont tell her I mentioned that
she just turned 29 on the mailing list or I'll be in trouble) so I wont
have time tonight but
I'll have a deeper look tomorrow.
On 2/5/07, Avdi Grimm <> wrote:
On 2/4/07, Alex Combas <> wrote:
> I'm glad to hear someone likes it
> I've just added a code link to the site so if anyone is interested in
> embedding a search box
> on their site its just a matter of cut and paste now.
> Also, I've put up a Google Gadget link so you can do a one-click to add
> search box to your Google home page.
Any chance we could get an OpenSearch [1] plugin linked to that page,
so that FireFox and IE7 can add it to their search bars?
I took a crack at creating one, but it's pretty minimal and probably
incorrect. I'll include it all the same, as a starting point.