Not really expecting any solidarity - I am just posting here for reference
what happened in the last days (and months) on r/ruby.
I am a long time ruby open source nut case (10+ years, 200+ gems, and so on).
I used to post once a week on r/ruby - sometime twice.
The hatred, bullying and censorship all started maybe with my (critical)
series on the CSV library or maybe with my crypto postings that some think
are spam (disclaimer: I am a no-coiner, that is, I do not own any
blockchain tokens)
and for sure the intended humor gets lost (I am not a native
English speaker - ironically I am Austrian).
Anyways, back to the last days on r/ruby:
The post:
pixelart gem in Action - Special Effects Gallery / Cheatsheet - Free
Ideas & Recipes for Starting Your Own CryptoPunks Collection Today [1]
gets downvoted as usual to zero by the hater brigade.
The next post:
Wall Street Bets Experiment - Power to the Punks - Generate Your Own
Cool Looking Wall Street Bets Degenerate Trader with Shades (from
Scratch) [2]
gets out right removed / censored without notice.
The next post asking for an explanation (since this happened already
dozens of times without getting any notice):
"Random" Censorship on r/ruby - Please, Explain Why You Keeping
Removing My Posts [3]
gets the mod declaring my posts are spam and having nothing to do
with ruby and so on
my comment stands at -9 votes or more.
The next two posts following the advice on rewriting the headline
"in a more ruby way":
Wall Street Bets Ruby Pixel Art Experiment - Power to the Punks -
Generate Your Own Cool Looking Wall Street Bets Degenerate Trader with
Shades (from Scratch) Using ChunkyPNG
Q: I am working on pixel art experiment with ruby - How can I draw
lego-like bricks in any color in ruby? What do you think is the best
get out right removed / censored without notice.
And today's post
I am working on pixel art experiment with ruby - How can I draw
lego-like bricks in any color in ruby?
for sure will get removed / censored soon too.
Anyways, I have started r/planetruby [4] that restores some old
removed / censored posts
Judge yourself.
If I dare to say the hatred / bullying and censoring on r/ruby is
getting out of hand.
Cheers. Prost.
[1] pixelart gem in Action - Special Effects Gallery / Cheatsheet - Free Ideas & Recipes for Starting Your Own CryptoPunks Collection Today : ruby
[2] Wall Street Bets Experiment - Power to the Punks - Generate Your Own Cool Looking Wall Street Bets Degenerate Trader with Shades (from Scratch) : ruby
[3] "Random" Censorship on r/ruby - Please, Explain Why You Keeping Removing My Posts : ruby
[4] All About Programming Ruby