[bug] String#split wipes result

Another delicate problem.

irb(main):001:0> “abcde”.split(/…/)
=> ["", “”, “e”]
irb(main):002:0> “abcde”.split(/./)
=> []

Why is the second result empty?

I would have expected to see some empty strings.


Simon Strandgaard

irb(main):002:0> "abcde".split(/./)

Why is the second result empty?

svg% ri String#split
----------------------------------------------------------- String#split
     str.split(pattern=$;, [limit]) => anArray


     If the _limit_ parameter is omitted, trailing null fields are
     supressed. If _limit_ is a positive number, at most that number of
     fields will be returned (if _limit_ is +1+, the entire string is
     returned as the only entry in an array). If negative, there is no
     limit to the number of fields returned, and trailing null fields
     are not supressed.


you have only null fields in the result

Guy Decoux

irb(main):002:0> “abcde”.split(/./)

Why is the second result empty?

svg% ri String#split
----------------------------------------------------------- String#split
str.split(pattern=$;, [limit]) => anArray

If the limit parameter is omitted, trailing null fields are
supressed. If limit is a positive number, at most that number of
you have only null fields in the result

Ahh… I see. I just wondered what was going on.

I look at RI, but not carefully enough.

Thanks Guy… I lost count of how many beers…


ts decoux@moulon.inra.fr wrote:

Simon Strandgaard