//|[] != [""]
//|I myself thought that string#split would return an array of
//strings w a
//|minimum element of [""]
//I don't get it. [] is an array of strings with zero elements.
I'm sorry, but the ff disturbs me (only):
irb(main):014:0> "testing".split("test")
=> ["", "ing"]
irb(main):015:0> " ".split("test")
=> [" "]
irb(main):016:0> "".split("test")
=> []
Also, I cannot seem to get just an array of empty string [""] using split.
I'm ashame to ask sir Matz, so can anyone kindly give me an example?
// matz.
kind regards -botp
Yukihiro Matsumoto [mailto:matz@ruby-lang.org] wrote: