[ANN] session-2.1.6



  • wrapped send_command in a Thread (send async) so output processing can
    commend immeadiately. this was o.k. before, but had strange behaviour when
    using popen3 from threads. thanks to tanaka akira for this suggestion.
  • iff ENV[‘SESSION_USE_SPAWN’] is set Session uses Spawn::spawn instead of
    Open3::popen3. also noted that spawn seems to be a bit faster.
  • added tests for threads.
  • run ‘sh SESSION_USE_SPAWN=1 ruby test/session.rb’ to test using spawn
  • added test for idl so it’s test is not run if system doesn’t have it, all
    that should be required for ‘ruby test/session.rb’ is should be sh’
  • removed sample/tcsh and note about Tcsh and Csh in README - stderr
    redirection/separation is flaky in those shells




Session::* offers a set of class for driving external progams via pipes. It
offers a significant abstraction over Open3::popen since stdout/stderr can
be processed individually for each command. Additionally the exit_status of
each command is made available. eg.

bash = Session::Bash.new

stdout, stderr = bash.execute 'ls'


bash = Session::Bash.new

stdout, stderr = StringIO.new, StringIO.new

bash.execute 'ls', :stdout => stdout, :stderr => stderr
exit_status = bash.exit_status


bash = Session::Bash.new

# output is passed to the block as it is produced!
bash.execute( 'long_running_command.exe' ) do |out, err|
  logger << out if out
  elogger << err if err


see samples/*





EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done