
Hello everyone. I have created a sales system for my company. Basically
you telnet to the system and enter your login name, password ... From
there you can access the sales system.

I am working on a feature to write reports for a certain area of the
system. For this, I want it to just shell out to VIM (Vi iMproved). For
this I will be using Popen3, so the telnet user can access the sytem.

This is some example code I have ...

def runVimForReport( node_number, file_name )
  stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('vim #{file_name}' )

  read_thread = { start_read(stdout,stderr) }
  write_thread = { start_write(stdin,stderr) }


def start_read( stdout , stderr )
  loop do
    the_input = stdout.getc
    nodeSendData( @node_number, the_input.chr )


def start_write( stdin , stderr )
  loop do
    input = nodeGetChar( @node_number )

This code works well, the user can access VIM just fine. There is only
one problem ...

When the user exits the program it continues to read/write to the
process. It doesn't just simply exit the functions. How do I tell when a
program has exited? I tried other programs and all are the same ... It
just hangs. The user has to logout and log back in. Even when
disconnecting the telnet session, the program is still running in the

Is there a variable I can check in my loop to see if the program has

Thanks for all your help!

- Matt


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Got it fixed. It wasn't that the program wasn't exiting it was that the
ruby program. I added this to my start_read thread.

    if the_input == nil


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