[ANN] session-2.4.0


     - added ability to specify stdin for Session::Bash and Session::Sh

         sh = Session::new

         sh.execute 'cat', :stdin => io
         sh.execute 'cat', :stdin => string
         sh.execute 'cat', :stdin => stringio






   Session::* offers a set of classes built upon Open3::popen3 for driving
   external progams via pipes. It offers a significant abstraction over
   Open3::popen in that the stdout/stderr of each command sent can be deliniated:


         i.o,e = Open3::popen3 '/bin/sh'

         i.puts 'ls'
         i.puts 'echo 42'

     now, how to determine the boundry between the output from 'ls' and 'echo'?
     the only (simple) way is start a process for each command

         i.o,e = Open3::popen3 '/bin/sh'
         i.puts 'ls'
         stdout, stderr = o.read, e.read

         i.o,e = Open3::popen3 '/bin/sh'
         i.puts 'echo 42'
         stdout, stderr = o.read, e.read


       sh = Session::new

       stdout, stderr = sh.execute 'ls'
       stdout, stderr = sh.execute 'echo 42'

   Both stderr and stdout can be redirected, and the exit_status of each command
   is made available:

       bash = Session::Bash.new
       stdout, stderr = StringIO::new, StringIO::new

       bash.execute 'ls', :stdout => stdout, :stderr => stderr
       # bash.execute 'ls', 1 => stdout, 2 => stderr # same thing
       # bash.execute 'ls', :o => stdout, :e => stderr # same thing

       exit_status = bash.exit_status

   A block form can be used to specify a callback to be invoked whenever output
   has become availible:

     bash = Session::Bash.new

     bash.execute( 'long_running_command.exe' ) do |out, err|
       logger << out if out
       elogger << err if err

   Sessions are Thread safe (in the sense that they do not block on io
   operations) allowing commands spawned from guis to update widgets with output
   while running in the background.

     button.configure 'action' => lambda do
       sh = Session::new
       sh.execute(cmd) do |o,e|
         out_widget.update o if o
         err_widget.update e if e


   see samples/*







email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting
that they pass away. --aitken roshi
