[ANN] One-Click Installer 1.8.2-14 RC9 with RubyGems built-in

This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

Eventually, the One-Click installer will include a GUI
RubyGems client. In the meantime, check out the One-Click
installer's start menu item "RubyGems Package Manager".

As soon as Matz releases Ruby 1.8.2 final, then we will
release the final 1.8.2 version of the One-Click Installer

You can download this release candidate from:


Changes Since 1.8.1-13:
- This is a build of Ruby 1.8.2 preview3.
- Added RubyGems 0.8.1
- Added FreeRIDE 0.7.0
- Upgraded Ruby-odbc to version 0.994
- TCL/TK support no longer sets any environment
- Corrected missing OpenGL support.
- Added Start Menu shortcuts to documentation
  on ruby-doc.org.
- Eliminated the installer dialog message that
  warned you might need to reboot your system.
  This allows for unattended installs using the
  command-line arguments:
      /S /D=<install dir>
- Changed the layout of the Windows registry
- Fixed a typo in a windows registry entry
  (bug 643).
- Upgraded Expat to version 1.95.7
- Upgraded DBI to 0.23
- Upgraded FXRuby to version 1.0.29

Hello Curt,

This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

If you didn't change something to the FOX support then i have a bug report:

fox.so is compiled with dependency to "msvcp60.dll" which is normally
not available on windows systems by default and also not included in
the installer. So can you please add the DLL or remove the dependency.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Curt Hibbs wrote:

This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

Sweet. Thanks!


Changes Since 1.8.1-13:


- Added FreeRIDE 0.7.0

I know that FreeRIDE isn't new to this release, but in view of past comments on bandwidth, I've wondered why two editors (FreeRIDE and Scite) are included with the installer.

Really, I've wondered why even *one* editor is included with the installer. In general, don't people tend to find an editor or IDE they like, and just use it, with updates and add-ins applied independent of any particular external software?

As a data-point on this, I don't install Scite, and I don't use FreeRIDE. If there was an option to omit FreeRIDE during installation, I would leave that out, too.

(I don't mean this as a cold-hearted snub of FreeRIDE, I just happen to like gvim. )

Just curious.

Thanks again for the release,




From: "Curt Hibbs" <curt@hibbs.com>
Subject: [ANN] One-Click Installer 1.8.2-14 RC9 with RubyGems built-in
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 23:50:05 +0900

This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).


Changes Since 1.8.1-13:
- This is a build of Ruby 1.8.2 preview3.


- TCL/TK support no longer sets any environment

I should say sorry about a bug on Ruby/Tk.
I found a SEGV bug when tcltklib.so is compiled with Tcl/Tk8.3.x.
I couldn't find the bug, because I usually use Tcl/Tk8.4.x or 8.5a1.
If you can re-package, please use Tcl/Tk8.4+ or adopt the following
patch to ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c.

--- tcltklib.c.preview3 2004-11-10 03:50:01.000000000 +0900
+++ tcltklib.c 2004-11-10 03:23:15.000000000 +0900
@@ -3306,9 +3306,12 @@


         if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(slave)) {
             Tcl_Eval(slave, "foreach i [after info] { after cancel $i }");

         /* delete slaves of slave */
@@ -3356,9 +3359,12 @@
                 Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, finalize_hook_name);

             if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(ptr->ip)) {
                 Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, "foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}");


@@ -3820,9 +3826,12 @@
     /* Tcl_Preserve(ptr->ip); */

     if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(ptr->ip)) {
         Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, "foreach i [after info] { after cancel $i }");


                                  Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)

This version of the install still exhibits the bug that I opened on
the RubyForge project. Namely, it always assumes C:/ruby rather than
looking to see where the last installation was done.

It is not reading HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ruby\DefaultPath.

For anyone who wants to do an in-place upgrade, this is unusable and



On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 23:50:05 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
               * Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca

Lothar Scholz wrote:

Hello Curt,

> This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
> Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
> latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

If you didn't change something to the FOX support then i have a
bug report:

fox.so is compiled with dependency to "msvcp60.dll" which is normally
not available on windows systems by default and also not included in
the installer. So can you please add the DLL or remove the dependency.

No, I haven't changed anything with respect to FXRuby.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll include this dll in the next release.


James Britt wrote:

Curt Hibbs wrote:

> This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
> Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
> latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

Sweet. Thanks!

> Curt
> Changes Since 1.8.1-13:
> - Added FreeRIDE 0.7.0

I know that FreeRIDE isn't new to this release, but in view of past
comments on bandwidth, I've wondered why two editors (FreeRIDE and
Scite) are included with the installer.

Really, I've wondered why even *one* editor is included with the
installer. In general, don't people tend to find an editor or IDE they
like, and just use it, with updates and add-ins applied independent of
any particular external software?

As a data-point on this, I don't install Scite, and I don't use
FreeRIDE. If there was an option to omit FreeRIDE during installation,
I would leave that out, too.

You can omit FreeRIDE, just uncheck the box just like you did for SciTE.

The long-term plan is to omit *most* add-ons (probably including FreeRIDE)
and make them available via a GUI interface to RubyGems. We're not there

The reason for including FreeRIDE is because it helps newcomers (especially
those that are IDE centric). Its both comforting and useful to have that
source-code navigation pane that lets you see and navigate a file by
module/class/method. And many people prefer to have an integrated GUI
debugger. Of course, there are others who appreciate these features as well
(for those that prefer just an editor, there is SciTE).

For these reasons, even when FreeRIDE gets moved out of the installer and
into a RubyGem, it will probably still be checked by default to install

(I don't mean this as a cold-hearted snub of FreeRIDE, I just happen to
like gvim. )

No offense taken. Everyone has there own preferences.

This makes it doubly hard to create a one-size-fits-all installer. That's
why I think that moving to a RubyGems based post-install step will go a long
ways toward meeting everyone's needs (later on, we'll probably make use of
RPA as well).

Just curious.

Thanks again for the release,

You welcome.

I'm trying to get the lag time between Matz's release and the installer's
release to be a small as possible (fortunately I wasn't too busy yesterday


Ok... I'll look into incorporating one of these solutions.


Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote:


I should say sorry about a bug on Ruby/Tk.
I found a SEGV bug when tcltklib.so is compiled with Tcl/Tk8.3.x.
I couldn't find the bug, because I usually use Tcl/Tk8.4.x or 8.5a1.
If you can re-package, please use Tcl/Tk8.4+ or adopt the following
patch to ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c.

--- tcltklib.c.preview3 2004-11-10 03:50:01.000000000 +0900
+++ tcltklib.c 2004-11-10 03:23:15.000000000 +0900
@@ -3306,9 +3306,12 @@


         if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(slave)) {
             Tcl_Eval(slave, "foreach i [after info] { after
cancel $i }");

         /* delete slaves of slave */
@@ -3356,9 +3359,12 @@
                 Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, finalize_hook_name);

             if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(ptr->ip)) {
                 Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, "foreach i [after info] {after
cancel $i}");


@@ -3820,9 +3826,12 @@
     /* Tcl_Preserve(ptr->ip); */

     if (!Tcl_InterpDeleted(ptr->ip)) {
         Tcl_Eval(ptr->ip, "foreach i [after info] { after cancel $i }");


                                  Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.788 / Virus Database: 533 - Release Date: 11/1/2004

Austin Ziegler wrote:

> This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
> Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
> latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

This version of the install still exhibits the bug that I opened on
the RubyForge project. Namely, it always assumes C:/ruby rather than
looking to see where the last installation was done.

It is not reading HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ruby\DefaultPath.

For anyone who wants to do an in-place upgrade, this is unusable and

I'll make sure this is near the top of my list (it should be easy).



On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 23:50:05 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

I would look at the FXRuby/FOX compile -- it looks like it's depending
on a Visual C++ 6.0 DLL as opposed to the rest of the installer's
dependence on Visual C++ 7.0.



On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 00:14:47 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Lothar Scholz wrote:
> fox.so is compiled with dependency to "msvcp60.dll" which is normally
> not available on windows systems by default and also not included in
> the installer. So can you please add the DLL or remove the dependency.
No, I haven't changed anything with respect to FXRuby.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll include this dll in the next release.

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
               * Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca

Hello Curt,

James Britt wrote:

Curt Hibbs wrote:

> This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
> Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
> latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).

Sweet. Thanks!

> Curt
> Changes Since 1.8.1-13:
> - Added FreeRIDE 0.7.0

I know that FreeRIDE isn't new to this release, but in view of past
comments on bandwidth, I've wondered why two editors (FreeRIDE and
Scite) are included with the installer.

Really, I've wondered why even *one* editor is included with the
installer. In general, don't people tend to find an editor or IDE they
like, and just use it, with updates and add-ins applied independent of
any particular external software?

As a data-point on this, I don't install Scite, and I don't use
FreeRIDE. If there was an option to omit FreeRIDE during installation,
I would leave that out, too.

You can omit FreeRIDE, just uncheck the box just like you did for SciTE.

The long-term plan is to omit *most* add-ons (probably including FreeRIDE)
and make them available via a GUI interface to RubyGems. We're not there

I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I like to have many things
included in the installer. I install ruby quite often and also on
a lot of machines that dont have internet access.

So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Austin Ziegler wrote:

> Lothar Scholz wrote:
> > fox.so is compiled with dependency to "msvcp60.dll" which is normally
> > not available on windows systems by default and also not included in
> > the installer. So can you please add the DLL or remove the dependency.
> No, I haven't changed anything with respect to FXRuby.
> Thanks for letting me know, I'll include this dll in the next release.

I would look at the FXRuby/FOX compile -- it looks like it's depending
on a Visual C++ 6.0 DLL as opposed to the rest of the installer's
dependence on Visual C++ 7.0.

The packaging scripts for creating the installer generally use binary
extensions, only building from source when there is no other choice. This
includes FXRuby, for which we use the FXRuby windows installer.



On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 00:14:47 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Lothar Scholz wrote:

So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.

+1. When selectable add-ons are implemented, it would be good to have "with all bells and whistles" option easily accessible. I'd certainly use it that way.

Alexey Verkhovsky

Lothar Scholz wrote:

Hello Curt,

> James Britt wrote:
>> Curt Hibbs wrote:
>> > This release candidate of the One-Click Installer for
>> > Windows adds RubyGems 0.8.1 and is built from the
>> > latest preview release of Ruby (1.8.2 preview3).
>> Sweet. Thanks!
>> > Curt
>> >
>> > Changes Since 1.8.1-13:
>> ...
>> > - Added FreeRIDE 0.7.0
>> I know that FreeRIDE isn't new to this release, but in view of past
>> comments on bandwidth, I've wondered why two editors (FreeRIDE and
>> Scite) are included with the installer.
>> Really, I've wondered why even *one* editor is included with the
>> installer. In general, don't people tend to find an editor or IDE they
>> like, and just use it, with updates and add-ins applied independent of
>> any particular external software?
>> As a data-point on this, I don't install Scite, and I don't use
>> FreeRIDE. If there was an option to omit FreeRIDE during installation,
>> I would leave that out, too.

> You can omit FreeRIDE, just uncheck the box just like you did
for SciTE.

> The long-term plan is to omit *most* add-ons (probably
including FreeRIDE)
> and make them available via a GUI interface to RubyGems.
We're not there
> yet.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I like to have many things
included in the installer. I install ruby quite often and also on
a lot of machines that don't have internet access.

So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.

I think you can have this both ways.

When you try to install a RubyGem, it first looks for it on your local
machine and if its not found it then looks at the remote repository.

You could easily create yourself a CD repository of the stuff you like to
install and let RubyGems install from there.

That being said, there will probably always be a certain core that is always
included (which would all the stuff that you cannot "uncheck" from he
install dialog).


...except that a lot of things aren't available as Gems (or RPA) and
quite often the compiles don't work out of the box.

I personally think that it's better for the installer to include a
number of things -- possibly gems -- that will be optionally
installed, but they should be included in the download package or as
part of a "sumo" download package. There are times when I definitely
wish there was a "batteries included" Firefox install -- usually when
I'm having to get all the extensions that I liked so much onto a new
or rebuilt machine.



On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 03:40:03 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Lothar Scholz wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I like to have many things
> included in the installer. I install ruby quite often and also on
> a lot of machines that don't have internet access.
> So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.
I think you can have this both ways.

When you try to install a RubyGem, it first looks for it on your local
machine and if its not found it then looks at the remote repository.

You could easily create yourself a CD repository of the stuff you like to
install and let RubyGems install from there.

That being said, there will probably always be a certain core that is always
included (which would all the stuff that you cannot "uncheck" from he
install dialog).

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
               * Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca

In reference to Austin's suggestion: Yes, I'm definitely still using
Visual C++ 6.0 to build FXRuby for WIndows. What's the story with
Visual C++ 7.0 these days? Is the *optimized* version of the compiler
available for free? If so, and if someone can clue me in to a download
link for that version, I can probably switch over to the newer
compiler version.


On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 02:54:46 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

The packaging scripts for creating the installer generally use binary
extensions, only building from source when there is no other choice. This
includes FXRuby, for which we use the FXRuby windows installer.

Austin Ziegler wrote:

> Lothar Scholz wrote:

> > I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I like to have many things
> > included in the installer. I install ruby quite often and also on
> > a lot of machines that don't have internet access.
> >
> > So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.
> I think you can have this both ways.

> When you try to install a RubyGem, it first looks for it on your local
> machine and if its not found it then looks at the remote repository.

> You could easily create yourself a CD repository of the stuff
you like to
> install and let RubyGems install from there.

> That being said, there will probably always be a certain core
that is always
> included (which would all the stuff that you cannot "uncheck" from he
> install dialog).

...except that a lot of things aren't available as Gems (or RPA) and
quite often the compiles don't work out of the box.

I personally think that it's better for the installer to include a
number of things -- possibly gems -- that will be optionally
installed, but they should be included in the download package or as
part of a "sumo" download package. There are times when I definitely
wish there was a "batteries included" Firefox install -- usually when
I'm having to get all the extensions that I liked so much onto a new
or rebuilt machine.

I see your point.

I like the idea of a single, separate download package for
everything-but-the-kitchen-sink. It would still provide a nearly all-in-one
experience without pushing the main package to 50mb. :slight_smile:



On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 03:40:03 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Hello Austin,

Lothar Scholz wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I like to have many things
> included in the installer. I install ruby quite often and also on
> a lot of machines that don't have internet access.
> So i vote for having at least a good amout of batteries included.
I think you can have this both ways.

When you try to install a RubyGem, it first looks for it on your local
machine and if its not found it then looks at the remote repository.

You could easily create yourself a CD repository of the stuff you like to
install and let RubyGems install from there.

That being said, there will probably always be a certain core that is always
included (which would all the stuff that you cannot "uncheck" from he
install dialog).

...except that a lot of things aren't available as Gems (or RPA) and
quite often the compiles don't work out of the box.

One more question: Is the build system now fixed so that there is a
little chance that binary extensions really compile ?
If i remeber right the system uses the very very bad UNIX like
assumption that everything is compiled on the local machine. So items
like: CONFIG["srcdir"] = "Z:/work_ruby/win32/ruby-1.8.2_preview3_patched"
in the generated "rbconfig.rb" makes it very hard to compile
extensions on your own machine.


On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 03:40:03 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Lyle Johnson wrote:

The packaging scripts for creating the installer generally use binary
extensions, only building from source when there is no other choice. This
includes FXRuby, for which we use the FXRuby windows installer.

In reference to Austin's suggestion: Yes, I'm definitely still using
Visual C++ 6.0 to build FXRuby for WIndows. What's the story with
Visual C++ 7.0 these days? Is the *optimized* version of the compiler
available for free? If so, and if someone can clue me in to a download
link for that version, I can probably switch over to the newer
compiler version.

Might this be it?

It has a link to a download page, with this description:

The Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 includes the core tools developers need to compile and link C++-based applications for Windows and the .NET Common Language Runtime:

     * Microsoft C/C++ Optimizing Compiler and Linker. These are the same compiler and linker that ship with Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional!

     * C Runtime Library and the C++ Standard Library, including the Standard Template Library. These are the same static-link libraries included with Visual Studio.

     * Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime. Visual C++ can optionally build applications that target the Common Language
       Runtime (CLR).

     * Sample code. The toolkit includes four samples designed to showcase the powerful new features of the 2003 version, including new optimization capabilities, features to improve code-security and robustness, enhanced ISO C++ standards support, and the ability to use the .NET Framework library and target the CLR.



On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 02:54:46 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

Lothar Scholz wrote:

One more question: Is the build system now fixed so that there is a
little chance that binary extensions really compile ?
If i remeber right the system uses the very very bad UNIX like
assumption that everything is compiled on the local machine. So items
like: CONFIG["srcdir"] = "Z:/work_ruby/win32/ruby-1.8.2_preview3_patched"
in the generated "rbconfig.rb" makes it very hard to compile
extensions on your own machine.

There are only two lines in rbconfig.rb that contain paths from the build

  CONFIG["srcdir"] =

  CONFIG["compile_dir"] =

The source is not included in the installer, so the path is not really
relevant. I don't know if his would cause the problem you are talking about.
The header files are included.
