Rhinestone version 1.0.0 has been released!
* <http://geeksomnia.com>
* <jbarnette@gmail.com>
I am happy to annouce the first release of Rhinestone, my new fork of
Ruby. Rhinestone's design removes millions of unnecessary, useless
bytes from Ruby.
Ruby is badly managed. The core developers have ignored my frequent
requests to deal with this inexcusable inefficiency, often spamming me
with "responses" written in a bizarre, incomprehensible nonsense
language. I'm a uniter, not a divider, but this sort of behavior
leaves me with very little choice.
Though I've inexplicably been denied access to Ruby's source
repository, I've decided to store Rhinestone on top of Ruby's trunk.
To extract the most up-to-date version of Rhinestone:
$ svn co http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby/trunk
$ find trunk -type f -name '*.rb' | grep -v svn | xargs ruby -pi -e
'$_.gsub!(/[ ]{2,}/, " "); $_'
$ make && mv ruby rhinestone
Though I've done my best to make Rhinestone integrate cleanly, Ruby's
current core cabal are likely to retaliate. If Rhinestone is broken,
please file a ticket in Ruby's bug tracker.
In subsequent releases, I'll leverage the tens of millions of bytes
Rhinestone removes to add innovative, community-driven, in-demand
features. While the initial Rhinestone development push has consumed
most of my time, I've included one commonly requested feature:
# Geoff Grosenbach will sing you a lullaby.
$ rhinestone --geoff
~ j. // Rhinestone cowboy.