[ANN] LSRC V: Don't Miss Out On

Lone Star Ruby Conference V, August 11-13 in Austin, TX,
in just over 14 days and filling up fast.

This year we have six training courses:

  Zero to Rails 3
  Design Eye for the Dev Guy
  Improve Your Life with BDD
  Rails AntiPatterns
  From Rails to Ruby
  Cuking, Not Puking: Managing Cucumber in the Real World

and two tracks of thirty speakers with the best and latest in Ruby development.

And you don't want to miss our High Powered Keynote Speakers:

  James Edward Gray II
  Obie Fernandez
  Chad Fowler

We have waiting on you

  Fast Wifi
  Power at each table
  A healthy breakfast (plus Chocolate Donuts)
  Pizza, BBQ and Chicken Fried Chicken

Register now online at



Jim Freeze & LSRC V Team
Lone Star Ruby Conference

PS: Show your boss all the informative tracks and
tell him all the great knowledge you will get from
the training, but don't tell him how much fun
it will be, how great the hall track is, or all the
networking you plan on doing.

PPS: The Thursday Opening Reception at 5:30pm is open to ALL,
and is hosted by Twilio http://twilio.com. Don't miss the
food, fun and drinks.

PPPS: Register now at http://LoneStarRubyConf.com