Lone Star Ruby Conference V; August 11-13 in Austin, TX.
Did you know that LSRC V has six training courses;
taught by professionals and highly sought after trainers!
Did you know that LSRC V has over thirty speakers;
many of them great contributors and leaders in the
Ruby community!
Did you know LSRC V will satisfy your tech cravings
with presentations on:
* Ruby and Ruby Meta Programming
* Rails, Authentication and Location based Apps
* Javascript, CoffeeScript, Ruby Racer and Jasmine
* Cloud Computing, SaaS and PaaS
* Google Go and Erlang
* Mobile Apps
* Telephony
* ZeroMQ
* Shoes
* ... and more!
Did you know that LSRC is known for having the BEST FOOD?
Did you know that LSRC has the best conference WiFi ever?
Did you know that LSRC always has easy access power for your electronics?
Did you know that LSRC V is held August 11-13 in Austin, TX?
That the training day is on Thursday, August 11 and
that the two-day conference is August 12-13.
Did you know that you can register right on the LSRC V home page
or at
Did you know that LSRC V starts in thirty (30) days?
Find out more and register today at:
Jim Freeze & LSRC V Team
Lone Star Ruby Conference
PS It has been rumored that LSRC V will make you
rich, handsome and powerful; but our lawyer
says we can't make such claims. It WILL make you
smarter and our staff will make flattering
comments of your choosing about how you look
thinner, tanner and oh so handsome.