[ANN] football.db - World Cup Brazil 2014 Plain Text Fixtures 'n' HTTP JSON API w/ sportdb Ruby gem


   The sportdb Ruby gem [1] that lets you read plain text football
(soccer) teams, fixtures, results and more in your SQL database of
choice now includes all teams, groups, rounds and matches for the
World Cup 2014 in Brazil [2].

   Use the data in Ruby like:

    worldcup = Event.find_by_key!( 'world.2014' )

    pp worldcup.teams # pretty print all teams
    pp worldcup.rounds # pretty print all rounds / matchdays
    pp worldcup.groups # pretty print all groups

    jpn = Team.find_by_key!( 'jpn' )

    pp jpn.games


   Or use the HTTP JSON API [3] with your own service or using the
online version e.g.

    * event/world.2014/teams # fetch all teams
    * event/world.2014/rounds # fetch all rounds / matchdays
    * event/world.2014/round/1 # fetch matchday 1/round 1

    All data, code and samples public domain.
   Enjoy. Cheers.

[1] http://rubydoc.info/gems/sportdb
[2] https://github.com/openfootball/world-cup/blob/master/2014/cup.txt
[3] http://footballdb.herokuapp.com/api