Winole32 not Working in latest Winbdows Installer [was RE: Latest Windows installer is backdated]

Thye have removed the library from the distribution.
It was unstable.

WMI code like this would bring the system down:

require ‘win32ole’

def disp_subclasses namespace
obset = WIN32OLE.connect(“winmgmts:\\.\root”+namespace)
objs = obset.SubclassesOf()
objs.each {|cls|
puts cls.Path_.Path

disp_subclasses “\cimv2”

  • Roshan

InterScan_Disclaimer.txt (520 Bytes)

James, Roshan wrote:

Thye have removed the library from the distribution.
It was unstable.

If this is so, then why do I get a “” file created when I build
Ruby 1.8.1 from the source tarball?


Roshan (see below) is telling me that win32ole has been removed from the
Ruby distribution. Can anyone confirm this?

I’ve searched the web, the ruby-talk ML, and the Ruby 1.8.1 distribution. I
can’t find any mention of this, and when I build Ruby 1.8.1, the build still
produces a file.

I was going to try to track down a reported problem with win32ole in the
Ruby Installer for Windows build, but I don’t want to waste my time on it if
it was supposed to have been removed.


James, Roshan wrote:


They have removed the library [win32ole] from the distribution.
It was unstable.

WMI code like this would bring the system down:

require ‘win32ole’

def disp_subclasses namespace
obset = WIN32OLE.connect(“winmgmts:\\.\root”+namespace)
objs = obset.SubclassesOf()
objs.each {|cls|
puts cls.Path_.Path

disp_subclasses “\cimv2”

Curt Hibbs wrote:

Roshan (see below) is telling me that win32ole has been removed from the
Ruby distribution. Can anyone confirm this?

Doesn’t ring any alarms.

Maybe he’s thinking about an announcement that Win32API will be
removed in favour of Ruby/DL ? [talk:94543]

It’s in CVS, so if it was removed, it’s back now. (?)
