//Roshan (see below) is telling me that win32ole has been
//removed from the Ruby distribution. Can anyone confirm this?
When Ruby 1.8.* (don’t remember the exact version) was avilable on
source forge as part of the windows installer, the change log said that
the version is stable and the the win32ole component was removed. Either
that or there is certainly something woozy happening in my head, which I
wouldn’t entirely rule out also.
Aahhh this is what I am talking about:
Change Log:
InterScan_Disclaimer.txt (520 Bytes)
1.8.0-10: First stable version of 1.8.
Removed spurious win32ole.
I don’t know if things changed after that. I havent seen it mentioned
later, you can count me in as one of the people who want that lib back,
but a little stabler this time.
Like I was saying, do you know why the .so’s are there in the VC build ?
//Roshan (see below) is telling me that win32ole has been
//removed from the Ruby distribution. Can anyone confirm this?
When Ruby 1.8.* (don’t remember the exact version) was avilable on
source forge as part of the windows installer, the change log said that
the version is stable and the the win32ole component was removed. Either
that or there is certainly something woozy happening in my head, which I
wouldn’t entirely rule out also.
1.8.0-10: First stable version of 1.8.
Removed spurious win32ole.
I think this means that the win32ole in the “site_ruby” under “lib”
directory has been removed because win32ole is now standard library
and located in “1.8” directory as a part of the ruby distribution.
I don’t know if things changed after that. I havent seen it mentioned
later, you can count me in as one of the people who want that lib back,
but a little stabler this time.
In ruby-win32 distribution page (http://www.dm4lab.to/~usa/ruby/)
by U.Nakamura, win32ole.so was broken in a ruby win32 binary
distributed by him at some point. Maybe your unstable win32ole
is the one distributed at that time? He saids that the currreny
win32ole binary has been fixed.
Hope this helps,
Takashi Sano
“James, Roshan (Cognizant)” JRoshan@blr.cognizant.com wrote: